Title I, Part A Staff Qualifications

Title I, Part A requires that teachers and paraeducators meet certain requirements when participating in Title I, Part A funded programs or activities. The LEA determines requirements for Title I, Part A funded substitutes.

In addition, parents and legal guardians have the right to request or be notified about teacher’s or paraeducator’s qualifications.

Learn more about the staff qualifications and notification requirements below.

Qualifications by Staff



Teachers participating in Title I, Part A Targeted Assistance activities and all teachers assigned to Title I, Part A Schoolwide Programs must meet applicable state certification and licensure requirements. A teacher assigned to Title I, Part A may be out-of-field or out-of-endorsement as long as they hold an ELIGIBLE certificate type, and the school board approved the placement (per WAC 181-82-110 or WAC 392-172A-02090).


Paraeducators must meet the new Minimum Employment Requirements. All preschool (ECEAP/Head Start/) paraeducators (paraprofessionals or instructional assistant teachers) funded by Title I, Part A and participating in Title I, Part A activities must meet the Title I, Part A Preschool Teacher & Paraeducator Minimum Qualifications (page 31).


The qualifications and requirements for substitute teachers or paraeducators in Title I, Part A programs or activities are determined by the Local Education Agency (LEA) and the school.

Parent Notifications

Teacher/Para Qualifications

LEAs and schools must inform the parents of Title I, Part A students that they may request information regarding the professional qualifications of the student’s classroom teachers and paraprofessionals. The LEA and schools will provide certain information on the professional qualifications of the student's classroom teachers and paraprofessionals providing services to the child. The following templates may be used for that purpose.


Teacher/Para Qualifications Templates

Teacher and Para Qualifications Request Template: English | Khmer | Korean | Punjabi | Russian | Somali | Spanish | Tagalog | Vietnamese

Timely Notice of Limited State Certification & Licensure

Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) requires schools that receive Title I, Part A funds to notify parents or legal guardians when their child has been taught for four consecutive weeks by a teacher who has not met "applicable State certification or licensure requirements at the grade level and subject area in which the teacher has been assigned."

In Washington, this notification requirement is for any teacher teaching under a limited substitute teaching certificate (WAC 181-79A-231), such as an Emergency Substitute certificate or Intern Substitute Teacher certificate.

Parent-Right-to-Know Letter Required After Four Consecutive Weeks

Limited Substitute Teaching Certificates

  • Intern Substitute
  • Emergency Substitute

Parent-Right-to-Know Letter Not-Required After Four Consecutive Weeks

Limited Teaching Certificates

  • Conditional
  • Transitional
  • Emergency

Substitute Teaching Certificates

  • Substitute


Notice of Limited State Certification & Licensure Templates

Sample Letter – Timely Notice of Limited State Certification and Licensure – English | Khmer | Chinese | Korean | Punjabi | Russian | Somali | Spanish | Tagalog | Vietnamese