Learning Standards Public Comment

Contact Information

For questions, please email Standards Review.

Informational Standards Review Webinars

For more information on the public review and feedback process for the draft learning standards in math, science, and ELA:

OSPI has developed drafts of the revised learning standards documents for ELA, mathematics, and science to include updates to content, provide clarity in the language, and include prioritized standards.

Drafts of the learning standards for ELA, mathematics, and science were available for public comment from August 16 through September 27. For more information, please view Bulletin 053-24: Open Public Comment for Learning Standards Revisions.

Learning Standards Overviews

Standards Survey

Thank you for providing your feedback. The public comment survey is now closed.

Draft Learning Standards and Crosswalk Documents

  • Draft versions of the K-12 proposed learning standards have been removed. OSPI teams are working on finalizing the revisions.
  • Final versions of the crosswalk documents will be available after formal adoption.