Currently Meeting Workgroups

Accounting Manual Committee

The School District Accounting Advisory Committee (SDAAC) has been meeting since 1964, and advises the offices of OSPI and State Auditor on school district accounting, budgeting, financial reporting, and related matters."

Bilingual Education Advisory Committee

The Bilingual Education Advisory Committee (BEAC) supports bilingual education and its related services through the Transitional Bilingual Instruction Program to help educators and families meet the unique needs of students whose primary language is other than English.

Authorizing bill/law: RCW 28A.180

Committee of Practitioners (COP), Title I, Part A

The Title I/LAP Committee of Practitioners is an advisory body to OSPI that reviews any state rules, regulations, and policies relating to Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act to ensure they conform to the purposes of Title I.

Authorizing bill/law: NCLB Section 1903(b) Committee of Practitioners

Educational Opportunity Gap Oversight and Accountability Committee

Educational Opportunity Gap Oversight and Accountability Committee was created during the 2009 Legislature to continue to address the achievement gap in Washington state.

Authorizing bill/law: RCW 28A.300.136

GATE Partnership Advisory Committee

The GATE Partnership Advisory Committee is a broad base of youth and family serving agencies and organizations that meets quarterly to provide a wide lens of input on specific goals and topics related to the development and implementation of a dropout prevention, intervention and re-engagement system across cradle to career milestones.

Authorizing bill/law: ESSB 6403

Institutional Education Structure and Accountability Advisory Group

The Institutional Education Structure and Accountability Advisory Group provides recommendations to OSPI and the Department of Children, Youth, and Families (DCYF) for the development of a system that successfully meets the education and support needs of persons in and released from secure settings.

Authorizing bill/law: E2SHB 1295

K-12 Data Governance Workgroup

The K–12 Data Governance Workgroup oversees the development and implementation of a K–12 education data system for financial, student and educator data, and is meant to serve requirements for teachers, parents, superintendents, school boards, the legislature, and the public.

Authorizing bill/law: HB 2261

Language Access Advisory Committee

The Language Access Advisory Committee (LAAC) is charged with guiding, monitoring, and making recommendations regarding improving meaningful, equitable access for public school students and their family members who have language access barriers.

Authorizing bill/law: RCW 28A.183.070

Online Learning Advisory Committee

Members of the committee assist OSPI by providing advice regarding the online provider approval criteria, the model school district policy, and other matters related to the Digital Learning Department website.

Authorizing bill/law: RCW 28A.250.020

Reopening Washington Schools 2020–21 Workgroup

In May 2020, OSPI convened a stakeholder workgroup to inform recommendations and guidance for school districts as they plan for the reopening of Washington's schools in the 2020–21 school year. The workgroup consists of more than 100 educators, education leaders, elected officials, community-based organizations, parents, students, and community members. The group is expected to conclude their work in June 2020.

School Facilities Advisory Groups

School Facilities operates two advisory groups: the Citizens Advisory Panel (CAP), which maintains citizen oversight of facilities planning and funding, and the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC), which provides enhanced technical advice to OSPI on construction and facilities issues.

School Safety and Student Well-Being Advisory Committee

The School Safety and Student Well-Being Advisory Committee was established in law by 2SHB 1216 (2019). Previously referred to as the School Safety Advisory Committee, this committee advises OSPI and the school safety center, the regional school safety centers, school districts, and public and private schools on all matters related to comprehensive school safety and student well-being.

Authorizing bill/law: 2SHB 1216 Sec. 4

Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Advisory Committee

The 2019 legislature established the Social Emotional Learning Committee to promote and expand social emotional learning (SEL), including an annual report with accomplishments, state-level data, identification of systemic barriers, or policy changes necessary to promote SEL.

Authorizing bill/law: 2SSB 5082

Special Education Advisory Council (SEAC)

The Special Education Advisory Council (SEAC) advises on matters pertaining to the provision of special education and related services.

Authorizing bill/law: WAC 392-172A-07060

Washington State Dyslexia Advisory Council

The Washington state Dyslexia Advisory Council identifies tools and resources that help in screening for dyslexia, as well as recommendations on best practices for implementing the screenings.

Authorizing bill/law: SB 6162

Washington State Native American Education Advisory Committee (WSNAEAC)

The Washington State Native American Education Advisory Committee (WSNAEAC) consists of 21 members nominated by tribes and tribal organizations to provide consultation with OSPI on matters and issues related to the well-being and achievement of American Indian and Alaska Native students who attend public, tribal compact, and tribal schools in Washington state.

Work-Integrated Learning Advisory Committee (WILAC)

The Work-Integrated Learning Advisory Committee (WILAC) was directed to advise on creating opportunities for students to explore and understand a wide range of career-related opportunities through applied learning, engaging with industry mentors, and planning for career and college success.

Authorizing Legislation: RCW 28A.300.196