Expanded Learning Opportunities Council

The Expanded Learning Opportunities (ELO) Council is charged by RCW 28A.630.123 to advise the Governor, the Legislature, and the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction regarding a comprehensive expanded learning opportunities system.

The Expanded Learning Opportunities Council has concluded. Please email OSPI Title II for copies of meeting minutes, agendas, and materials.

Authorizing Legislation

Second Substitute Senate Bill 6163
Effective June 12, 2014

As authorized in Section 3, Part 2, the council shall provide:

  • Vision, guidance, assistance, and advice related to potential improvement and expansion of summer learning opportunities
  • School year calendar modifications that will help reduce summer learning loss
  • Increasing partnerships between schools and community-based organizations to deliver expanded learning opportunities
  • Other current or proposed programs and initiatives across the spectrum of early elementary through secondary education that could contribute to a statewide system of expanded learning opportunities

As authorized in Section 3, Part 3, the council shall:

  • Identify fiscal, resource, and partnership opportunities
  • Coordinate policy development
  • Set quality standards; promote evidence-based strategies
  • Develop a comprehensive action plan designed to implement expanded learning opportunities
  • Address summer learning loss
  • Provide academic supports
  • Build strong partnerships between schools and community-based organizations
  • Track performance of expanded learning opportunities in closing the opportunity gap

When making recommendations regarding evidence-based strategies, the council shall consider the best practices on the state menus developed in accordance with RCW 28A.165.035 and RCW 28A.655.235.

The council shall provide a report to the Governor and the Legislature by December 1, 2014, and each December thereafter until December 2018. The report will: summarize accomplishments; measure progress; contain recommendations regarding continued development of an expanded learning opportunities system; and contain recommendations to reduce summer learning loss.


Name Title Organization
Adrian Almanza Northwest Community Action Center Safe Haven Site Coordinator
Bill Hanawalt Degrees of Change Development Director
Dr. James Smith Commission on African American Affairs / Educational Opportunity Gap Oversight and Accountability Committee Commissioner
Jackie Jainga-Hyllseth
David Beard (alternate)
School's Out Washington Chief Program Quality Officer
Policy and Advocacy Director
Jacob Clark Blickenstaff Washington STEM Senior Program Officer
Jason Rothkowitz Washington State Parent Teacher Association State Legislative Committee Member
Jonathan Madamba Cultural Community-Based Organization, Asian Pacific Americans Founder and Advisor, STEM Paths Innovation Network
Leslie Herrenkohl University of Washington Professor, Learning Sciences and Human Development
Lisa White Spokane School District Director of Afterschool Programs
Mark Bergeson Washington Student Achievement Council Associate Director of Academic Affairs and Policy
Mary Fertakis Washington State School Directors Association School Board Director, Tukwila School District
MJ Bolt State Board of Education Board Member
Mona Johnson

Heidi Shultz
Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction Assistant Superintendent Early Learning Director, Student Support
Program Supervisor
Pat Erwin Association of Washington School Principals Principal, Lincoln High School, Tacoma School District
Patrice Page Washington Association of School Administrators Retired Superintendent, North Kitsap School District
Sarah Oliver Olympic Workforce Development Council Program Supervisor
Shannon Ergun Washington Education Association ESL Teacher, Tacoma School District
Sheri Miller

Kylie Fullmer
Washington Library Association Youth Services Manager, Whitman County Library

Director, East Adams Library District