Smarter Balanced Tools for Teachers

Contact Information

Tools for Teachers

Barbara Soots
OSPI Open Educational Resources Program Manager

Tools for Teachers contains classroom activities, lessons, and professional development resources to help enhance instruction and support learning by helping educators implement the formative assessment process in their classrooms.

Tools for Teachers also contains Connections Playlists that provide instructional next steps based on interim assessment results. A demonstration on how to use and navigate Tools for Teachers is available on the Smarter Balanced channel.

Tools for Teachers Resources


Washington Educators' Access

Public school district and ESD employees can access Tools for Teachers via the WCAP Portal using their existing TIDE account. If assistance is needed, contact your District Assessment Coordinator (DAC). DACs may email Assessment Analysts for technical help with educator access.

State Network of Educators (SNE)

Educators in the SNE:

  • Collaborate with educators from across the Smarter Balanced consortium
  • Create and review Tools for Teachers resources at in-person workshops
  • Provide feedback to help guide enhancements
  • Participate in online professional learning
  • Support other educators using Tools for Teachers
Formative Assessment Process

Formative assessment is a deliberate process used by teachers and students during instruction to provide ongoing, actionable feedback to improve student success.

The four attributes are:

  • Clarify Intended Learning
  • Elicit Evidence
  • Interpret Evidence
  • Act on Evidence

Learn more from the Smarter Balanced Formative Assessment Process Overview.

Why Should I use Tools for Teachers?


  • Provide instructional next steps for educators
  • Vetted by multiple reviewers based on quality criteria
  • Include professional learning modules on formative assessment processes and assessment literacy