Washington State Standards for Mentoring
Contact Information
The Washington State Standards for Mentoring is a tool to guide mentors in self-assessment and reflection. These standards are centered in educational equity: the heart of mentoring. Ongoing reflection and practice will deepen and refine mentoring skills, leading to gains in mentees' skill and more equitable student outcomes. These standards are designed to help both new and veteran mentors to assess their current level of understanding and abilities and to create actionable steps to improve.
Mentor FAQs
Instructional mentoring is a professional relationship established between novice and experienced educators. A strong relationship with a highly qualified mentor promotes maximum growth in new educators.
- What's the difference between mentoring and induction?
Induction is the complete package of supports that bring novice educators into their districts. Induction focuses on key areas including hiring, orientation, mentoring, professional learning, and formative assessment for teacher growth. Mentoring is one piece of the entire package of induction. Relying solely on mentoring for induction deprives educators of important support and learning opportunities. For more, see Standards for Beginning Educator Induction.
- How do I become a mentor for a teacher or colleague?
Mentors are identified, selected, and hired by school districts. Educators interested in becoming mentors may attend Mentor Academy 101.
- How do I get clock hours for mentoring?
Mentors can receive 10 clock hours per teacher mentored, not to exceed 30 hours. Complete the clock hour form. It must be signed by someone who can verify your mentoring work and submitted according to your school or district protocol. Keep the form for your own records; do not submit to OSPI.
- How do I become a part of BEST work as a contractor?
BEST contracts with leaders in education with a commitment to antiracist leadership and skills in leading adult professional learning. BEST hires three roles: Mentor Faculty, Mentor Faculty - ESA Specialist, and Induction Coaches. Mentor Faculty and Mentor Faculty - ESA Specialist facilitate mentor professional learning opportunities, among other work. Induction Coaches support BEST Grantees as they work to develop comprehensive induction supports. These positions are part-time work as contractors for the BEST program.
Potential BEST contractors should have knowledge of the Standards for Beginning Educator Induction and WA State Standards for Mentoring.
Contractor Selection: Contractors are selected through an application and interview process through a Request for Qualifications (RFQ). Each spring, application information is posted on OSPI's contracts page and announced through BEST networks.
Mentor Resources
These tools and templates, provided at OSPI Mentor Academies, support teacher growth through mentoring work