Language Access Workgroup

Convened by OSPI and the Office of Education Ombuds, the purpose of the workgroup is to advise OSPI, the Washington State School Directors’ Association, and the Legislature on specific strategies meant to improve meaningful, equitable access for public school students and their family members who have language access barriers. In 2019, the Legislature passed House Bill 1130 (HB 1130) which created the Language Access Workgroup. In 2021, the Legislature extended the workgroup until December 2021 to submit additional recommendations for:

  • Standards, training, testing, and credentialing for spoken and sign language interpreters for students' families and
  • For collecting information related to language access services in schools and school districts.
This workgroup concluded its meetings on November 23, 2021.

Authorizing Legislation

Year 1: ESHB 1130

Year 2: SB 5092 Sec. 501(3)(g)


2021 Publications
2020 Publications

Past Meetings

2020 Meeting Materials

October 8, 2020
10am – 2:30pm
October 8 Meeting Agenda
Workgroup materials on Padlet

September 10, 2020
10 AM – 2:30 PM
September 10 Meeting Agenda
Workgroup materials on Padlet
Zoom Meeting

August 13, 2020
10 AM – 2:30 PM
August 13 Meeting Agenda
Zoom Meeting

July 9, 2020
10am -2:30pm
July 9 Meeting Agenda
Zoom Meeting

June 11, 2020
10 AM – 2:30 PM
June 11 Meeting Agenda
Zoom Meeting

May 14, 2020
May 14 Meeting Agenda
10 AM – 2:30 PM
Zoom meeting

Apr. 9, 2020
10 am-2:15pm
Zoom meeting

Feb. 13, 2019
9 am–4 pm
South Puget Sound Community College Lacey Campus
Room 186
4220 6th Ave SE
Lacey, WA 98503

2019 Meeting Materials

Dec. 13, 2019
9 am–4 pm
CDHY Tacoma office
3111 S 43rd St
Tacoma, WA 98409

Nov. 14, 2019
9 am–4 pm
CDHY Tacoma office
3101 S 43rd St
Tacoma, WA 98409

Oct. 3, 2019
9 am–4 pm
AWSP, Training Room
1021 8th Ave SE
Olympia, WA 98501


2021 Members

Member Organization
Abigail Westbrook Washington State School Directors’ Association
Andrew Estep Washington State Parent Teacher Association

April McArthur

*Alternate: Rick Hauan

Washington Center for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Youth (CDHY)
Brian Stromberg Deaf community
Carolyn Cole Office of Equity
Corey Grandstaff The State School for the Blind

Alexa Villatoro

*Alternate: Alex Roque

Fanny Cordero Interpreter
Heather White ASL Interpreter
Hodan Mohamed Somali Community
James Wells The Administrative Office of the Courts' Interpreter Program
Dr. Jamilyn Penn State Board for Community and Technical Colleges Interpreter Training Program

Jen Chong Jewell

*Alternate: Joana Ramos

Washington State Coalition for Language Access
Jodi McBride The Department of Social and Health Services Language Testing and Certificate Program
Joy Sebe The Special Education Advisory Council
Dr. Julieta Altamirano-Crosby Educational Opportunity Gap Oversight and Accountability Committee

Maren Johnson

*Alternate: Jisu Ryu

Professional Educator Standards Board

Moses Perez

*Alternate: Emily Fung

Open Doors for Multicultural Families

Milena Calderari-Waldron

Local 1671/AFSCME Council 28 (WFSE)
Mohammed Akmoosh Iraqi Community Center of Washington

Dr. Randy Nunez

*Alternate: Maria Singuenza

The Washington State Commission on Hispanic Affairs
Sina Sam Washington State Commission on Asian Pacific American Affairs
Vacant The Washington State Commission on African-American Affairs
Vacant The Governor’s Office of Indian Affairs
Yoshiko Schulz University Place School District