Foster Care Resources and Training
Contact Information
Stacey Klim
Foster Car Program Supervisor564-999-1939
Savanna Cavalletto
Foster Care Program Specialist564-669-1467
Tools and materials on this page are created to assist districts in the implementation of state and federal laws as well as to assist others in advocating for students in foster care.
Upcoming Trainings
Unaccompanied Refugee Minor and Unaccompanied Children Program Overview
Wednesday, March 19, 2025, 10am-11am
Please join us for the Unaccompanied Refugee Minor (URM) and Unaccompanied Children’s (UC) programs overview. Molly Daggett, Unaccompanied Refugee Minor Program Manager, from the DSHS Office of Refugee & Immigrant Assistance will provide an overview of these two programs, the foster care status of these youth, and tips on how to provide support to address their unique needs. There will be time for any questions you may have.
Prior to working for DSHS, Molly worked for almost 25 years with a local URM program in different capacities, from caseworker to Program Director. She has worked in refugee camps in Thailand and Kenya, and she has a B.A. in Anthropology and an M.S.W. Molly has been a foster and adoptive parent with DCYF.
Keep Families Together Act Webinar
Monday, April 21st from 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Please join us for the Keeping Families Together Act Webinar. The Keeping Families Together Act (HB 1227), enacted in Washington State in 2023, significantly reformed the front-end of the child dependency court process to prioritize family preservation and reduce unnecessary foster care placements. This training will explore HB 1227’s elevated standards for child removal and the mandated judicial balancing of potential removal harms against in-home safety threats. Participants will explore the law’s emphasis on preventive services and kinship placements, aiming to decrease racial disparities and better support families. The training will also address some of the impacts of HB 1227 on court practices, highlighting the need for cross-system communication and collaboration.
McKinney-Vento and Foster Care Webinar
Thursday, May 1, 2025, 10am-11:30am
This repeat webinar from November 2024 will focus on the differences and similarities between McKinney-Vento Homeless Education and Foster Care Education programs. We will dive into the key provisions and requirements of each program, examine when these programs overlap, and discuss student scenarios. Bring your questions as there will be time for Q and A.
Resources for Foster Care Liaisons
- Foster Care Education Frequently Asked Questions
- Guidance for Sharing Records with DCYF and Treehouse
- Designating Foster Care Points of Contact
- What's the Difference Between Foster Care and McKinney-Vento?
- Technical Assistance PRS Item 17 - Foster Care
Foster Care Liaison Toolkit
- Foster Care Liaison and Building Points of Contact Training 2024-25
- Foster Care Liaison Training Video- Foster Care Education in Washington State | Presentation Slides
- Legal Guidance
- Foster Care Liaison Tasks and Responsibilities Overview
- Foster Care Education Frequently Asked Questions
- Foster Care CEDARS Instructions
- Program Structure Considerations for Foster Care Services
- Accessing Free and Reduced-Price School Meals
- Paying School Fees and Fines for Students in Foster Care
- Foster Care Transportation
- Foster Care Resources
- Post-Secondary Resources
- Treehouse Graduation Success and Education Advocacy - What's the Difference?
- Foster Care Dispute Resolution Process
- Foster Care Dispute Resolution Flow Chart
- U.S. Department of Education Dear Colleague Letter 7-25-23
- Foster Care Guidance for Secretaries and Registrars
Building Point of Contact Toolkit
- Foster Care Liaison and Building Points of Contact Training 2024-25
- Building Point of Contact Overview and Responsibilities
- Building Point of Contact Checklist
- Legal Review
- Foster Care Education Frequently Asked Questions
- Foster Care Resources
- Post-Secondary Resources
- Foster Care Building Point of Contact Training Video I Presentation Slides
- Best Practices: Foster Care Building Points of Contact
Best Interest Determination Toolkit
- Best Interest Determination: Process
- Best Interest Determination: Format and Participants
- Best Interest Determination: Student Centered Factors
- Best Interest Determination: Attendee Input Form (Fillable)
- Best Practices: Considerations for Best Interest Determination Meeting
- Best Interest Determination: Placement Decisions Fillable Form
- Example: Email for Scheduling of Best Interest Determination
- Example: Best Interest Determination Meeting Agenda
- Example: Best Interest Determination Tracking Database
- Best Practices: Foster Care and Immediate Enrollment
- Best Interest Determination: Tips and Troubleshooting
- Infographic: Best Interest Determination Meeting
- Infographic: Best Interest Determination Format and Participants
- Best Interest Determination Follow Up Checklist
- Foster Care Transportation
- Best Interest Determination Training Presentation Slides 12-5-2024
- Bulletin No. 061-24: Local Foster Care Liaison and Building Point of Contact Information/Training
- Bulletin No. 034-22: New Foster Care Legislation
- Bulletin No. 050-21: New Legislative Requirement: Foster Care Building Points of Contact
- Bulletin No. 002-20: Regional Education Agreements
Partner Organizations
- Treehouse
- Treehouse Resource Center for Caregiver, Youth, and Educators
- Office of Education Ombuds (OEO)
- Washington Association of Child Advocate Programs
- Court Improvement Training Academy (CITA)
- Department of Children, Youth, and Families (DCYF)