
OSPI Directory Guide

Review the guide for Education Units and Directory Data.

2021-22 Data Collection Plan

2021-22 Data Collection Plan will be shared soon. Please contact OSPI CISL if you need a copy of the 2020-21 Data Collection Plan.

2019-20 School Year Reporting Guidance

The 2019-20 School Year Reporting Guidance covers the following topics:

  • Absence and Truancy
  • Discipline
  • Highly Capable
  • LAP
  • Title I Part A
  • Youth Reengagement

Data reporting by local education agencies is a key way we track and measure the progress and performance of Washington’s students, schools, school districts, and programs. Most data collections are reported by school districts and other local education agencies to OSPI using one of more than 60 web-based applications in the Education Data System (EDS).

Data Administration

Explore data, reports, and information about Washington state K-12 schools and students.

Education Data System Administration for Administrators (EDS)

Detailed information about creating EDS accounts, available user roles and how to administer security roles in school districts can be found on this page.

EDS Application User Guides

Find user guides for applications within the Education Data System (EDS). These applications are only accessible to those with access through EDS.


The Comprehensive Education Data and Research System (CEDARS) is a longitudinal data system managed by OSPI to collect, store and report data related to students, programs, courses, and teachers. This is one of our largest and most complex data collections in EDS and provides data used for numerous state and federal reports as well as research and policy development.

Student Growth Percentiles

A student growth percentile (SGP) describes a student's growth compared to other students with similar prior test scores (their academic peers).