Resources and Research

Contact Information

Environment and Sustainability Education

Elizabeth Schmitz

Program Supervisor, Environmental & Sustainability Educ Content Integration

Stephani Hemness

Secretary Senior

The Environmental and Sustainability Education (ESE) team at OSPI works closely with national and statewide partners and is dedicated to providing guidance for development and implementation of ESE. On this page, you will be able to view competitions, resources, and guidance.

Outdoor Learning Grants

All funds are awarded for the 2023-24 school year. Please consider applying for the 2024-25 school year, no sooner than July 1, 2024.

Funds may be used to purchase rain gear, outdoor science lab materials, professional learning, transportation, support curriculum development, develop partnerships between school districts and community-based organizations, or outdoor learning stations (e.g. seating, tables, dry-erase boards, gardening equipment, gloves, trees, tools).

Posting Your Events & Workshops

We receive many requests for student and teacher opportunities. Due to the large volume, we are unable to advertise. However, we would like to call your attention to a few different ways that you can reach teachers with your professional development and other teacher and student opportunities. We encourage you to check out organizations that provide event calendars and/or newsletters:

Organizations & Resources
