Learning Assistance Program (LAP)

Integrated Student Supports (ISS) Protocol Implementation

Contact Information

LAP is a state-funded program designed to enhance educational opportunities for students who are not yet meeting academic standards through supplemental academic and nonacademic services. Within Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS), LAP services are targeted (tier 2) or intensive (tier 3) supports that are added to accelerate learning and remove barriers that prevent students from benefiting fully from universal instruction. These supplemental supports are most effective when they are matched to need, evidence-based, aligned with universal instruction, and implemented with fidelity.

In 2021, the Washington State Legislature modified the state’s LAP laws under Revised Code of Washington (RCW) Chapter 28A.165 through SHB 1208. The bill established two separate timelines for LAP changes, which include implementation of Washington’s Integrated Student Supports (ISS) Protocol.  

  • Timeline 1 (Now): Districts are currently encouraged to use the ISS protocol to budget and expend LAP funds.  
  • Timeline 2 (September 1, 2025): Beginning September 1, 2025, districts will be required to use the ISS protocol to budget and expend LAP funds.  

For more information on these legislative changes, please refer to the guidance and resources in the accordions below.   

Laws and Regulations
  • Chapter 28A.165 RCW: Learning Assistance Program
  • Chapter 392-162 WAC: Special Service Program—Learning Assistance  
Guidance and Resources

Guidance on program design and implementation, funding, and reporting: 

Resources from OSPI on completing the LAP Report in EDS:  

Resources from assessment vendors on calculating academic growth: