Methods of Administration (MOA)

Career and Technical Education Logo

Contact Information

Deifi Stolz

The United States Department of Education Office for Civil Rights (OCR) requires OSPI to conduct a civil rights compliance program review. The intent is to identify, remedy, and prevent discrimination in Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs operated by education agencies receiving federal financial assistance.

Local Education Agencies (LEAs) and skill centers will be a part of the review.

Federal law requires that all schools receiving funding support from the U.S. Education Department and providing CTE programs shall comply with:

Program Review & Support (Formerly CPR)

For the 2024-25 school year, OSPI will select LEAs to participate in a review based solely on the score an LEA receives from the Program Support Assessment.

The annual Assessment is based on the following available data, which is weighted, highest to lowest, in the following order:

  1. Last time the LEA participated in Program Review (or CPR)
  2. Sum of federal Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funds
  3. Sum of federal funds
  4. Percentage of schools identified for supports as part of the Washington State Improvement Framework (WSIF)
  5. ESEA and state program data
  6. Items not fully implemented in previous Program Review (or CPR)

For complete details, go to the Program Review & Support (Formerly CPR) website.


These materials will enable your LEA or skill center to prepare for the review, understand civil rights compliance obligations, and improve CTE programs for all students.

Technical Assistance

The following Technical Assistance Professional Development opportunities are held on Zoom. If you can't join, please dial 1-253-215-8782 US (Tacoma).