Washington Integrated Student Supports Protocol
Quick Resources
ISS Overview Updated October 2024
Contact Information
Rebecca Estock
Integrated Student Supports
Program Supervisor
Annie Pennell
Learning Assistance Program
Program Supervisor
Sheila Gerrish
Title I, Part A
Program Supervisor
As recommended by the State’s Educational Opportunity Gap Oversight and Accountability Committee (EOGOAC), in 2016, the Washington State Legislature created Washington’s Integrated Student Supports (ISS) Protocol when it passed 4SHB 1541.
In 2021, the Washington State Legislature modified the state’s Learning Assistance Program (LAP) laws under Revised Code of Washington (RCW) Chapter 28A.165 through SHB 1208. The bill established two separate timelines for LAP changes, which include implementation of the ISS Protocol. As part of the first timeline, districts are currently encouraged to use the ISS protocol to budget and expend LAP funds. Beginning September 1, 2025, districts will be required to use the ISS protocol to budget and expend LAP funds (see the Learning Assistance Program Guide).