Social Emotional Learning Advisory Committee

SEL Committee Feedback

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The SEL Advisory Committee applications for membership!

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Contact Information

Debra Parker
SEL Program Supervisor

Salina James

Administrative Assistant


Washington state authorizing legislation RCW 28A.300.477 directs the Social Emotional Learning Advisory Committee (SELAC) to continue developing statewide support to expand and promote SEL. SELAC plays a crucial role in advancing social and emotional learning across educational settings. The key purpose and responsibilities of the committee:

  • Expand and Promote SEL
  • Provide Recommendations to the state through a legislative report
  • Guidance and Best Practices
  • Improve Coordination Between Stakeholders
  • Seek Input from the Community

The committee continues to work on four focus areas, SEL Implementation Data, Family and Community Engagement in collaboration with the Washington Family Engagement Center, Student SEL Assessment Guidance, and Education Preparation Programs. 

Review the SEL Advisory Committee Letter and the SEL Advisory Committee Charter. for more information.

SEL Advisory Committee Meetings

The public is invited to attend SEL Advisory Committee meetings. Please review the agenda for the next meeting topic.

SEL Committee Members

SEL Committee Members
Committee Member Member Role
Anna Armstrong Member of the Kalispel Tribe of Indians Representing Native Tribes east of the Crest of the Cascade Mountains
Anna Smith  Member of the Makah Tribe of Indians Representing Native Tribes west of the Crest of the Cascade Mountains

Carola Brenes 

Christopher Belisle

Rachel Ray (alternate)

Healthcare Authority Behavioral Health & Recovery |(alternate) Representing the Washington State Healthcare Authority (HCA)
Caryn Park   Antioch University Seattle Faculty Representing the Commission on Asian Pacific American Affairs (CAPAA)
Danielle Eidenberg  Senior Executive Ombuds Representing the Governor's Office of Education Ombuds (OEO)
Debra Parker SEL Program Supervisor Representing the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI)

Demetricia Hodges

CTE Consultant Teacher, Clover Park School District, Representing the Washington State Commission on African American Affairs (CAAA)
Dr. Mona Johnson Executive Director, Systems & Career Pathways ESD 114 Representing the Washington Association of Educational Service Districts (AESD)
Emily Santiago Psychologist, North Kitsap School District Representing the Washington State Association of School Psychologists (WSASP)
Frieda Takamura Representing the Educational Opportunity Gap Oversight and Accountability Committee (EOGOAC)
James Layman Director, Association of Washington Student Leaders (AWSL), Representing a youth-serving organization
Jeanne Dodd Behavioral Health Counselor Teacher, Sedro-Wooley School District, Representing a mental health counselor.
Justin Bradford Superintendent, Prescott School District, Representing a Rural School District

Kris Harper

Bethel School District SNOW Board of Directors President Representing the School Nurse Association of Washington (SNOW)

Lauren MacDonald

Susan Mosby (alternate) 

School Counselor, Tacoma Public School District |(alternate) Members of the Washington Education Association (WEA) Representing K-12 Educators
Laurie Dils Assistant Director of Content, Health & Sexual Health Representing the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI)

Leiani Sherwin

Makenzie Dyer (alternate)

Education Preparation Program Director |(alternate) Grant & Policy Specialist Representing the Professional Educator Standards Board (PESB)
Maddy Vonhoff Committee for Children Representing a Non-Profit SEL Curricula Organization
Mary Fertakis Member of the State Board of Education Representing the State Board of Education (SBE)
Tiffany Moss Social Worker, Richland School District Representing the Washington Association of School Social Workers (WASSW)
Monika Schuller Physical Education and SEL TOSA, White Salmon Valley School District Representing the K-12 Educator
Nigar Suleman Member of the Washington PTA Representing the Washington Parent Teacher Association (WSPTA)
Rayann Silva University of Washington School Mental Health Assessment Research & Training (SMART) Center Representing a Foundation supportive of Social Emotional Learning

Sarah Butcher

Jennifer Karls(alternate)

 Roots of Inclusion Representing a Coalition of members who educate and advocate

Sharman Ensminger

Suzie Henning Co-chair

Elementary School Principal, Orcas Island School District, Representing a K-12 Administrator

Assistant Professor, Eastern Washington University Representing the Washington Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (WACTE)

Tabatha Copeland School Counselor, Spokane International Academy. Representing a School Counselor
VACANT Member of the Commission on African American Affairs Representing the Washington State Commission on African American Affairs (CAAA)
Cynthia Tamayo (interim) Representing the Commission on Hispanic Affairs (CHA)
Xyzlora Brownell Co-chair Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Manager Representing the Department of Children, Youth, & Families (DCYF)

SEL and Equity Subcommittee

This subcommittee meets as needed on various tasks including the organization of the larger committee's collective work and reviewing new resource documents to ensure equity. For additional information, please contact Debra Parker.

Education Preparation Program Subcommittee

This subcommittee is working on higher education practices that include SEL implementation by building faculty SEL competency, embedding SEL into coursework and internship experiences, and promoting meaningful connections with families and communities. The following resources are intended for incoming administrators and educators to enhance their leadership and classroom readiness to support social emotional learning.

Notes & Agendas


January 27, 2025, Agenda and Meeting Notes


Legislative Reports