Reducing Restraint & Eliminating Isolation (RREI) Project

Contact Information 

Sam Mintz
School Climate Program Supervisor

Focus Groups & Key Informant Interviews 

In partnership with OSPI’s RREI Project, the American Institute of Research in Behavioral Sciences (AIR) conducted focus groups and key informant interviews with stakeholders from October 2023 to February 2024. A report with key outcomes will be available in September 2024. 

Technical Assistance Manual 

In 2023, Washington State legislature stablished a requirement that required OSPI to create a manual to help districts reduce restraint and isolation in schools. This guide will incorporate evidence-based positive behavior support practices to ensure the safety and inclusion of all school community members, informed by demonstration projects and education partners.

During the 2023 Legislative Session, the Washington State Legislature considered House Bill 1479, a measure that would prohibit isolation and significantly restrict restraints in public schools. While the bill did not pass, OSPI was provided with designated state funding to begin actualizing the goals of the Legislature to eliminate student isolation and track and reduce the use of restraint.  

Demonstration Projects 

Demonstration projects showcase the processes and outcomes of building systems of support to reduce restraint and eliminate isolation. The model incorporates “pilot site” and “demonstration site” districts that engage in goal-oriented professional development to address site-specific needs.

Map of all demonstration and pilot sites

Pilot Sites 

Districts engage in targeted professional development through the learning experiences offered by demonstration sites and contracted providers. They serve as “test flight” examples that allow OSPI and our partners to understand what practices can support schools best.

Demonstration Sites 

In partnership with the University of Washington Haring Center, districts share their stories of building systems of support to reduce restraint and eliminate isolation, collecting resources that have shown success. They serve as learning communities that allow educators, families, and community members to observe positive practices in real-world settings. 

Request a Site Visit for the 2024-25 School Year Now!

Demonstration Sites Application

The application is now closed. Thank you to the districts that applied. We are reviewing the applications and will contact the districts before the end of January. 

In collaboration with the Haring Center for Inclusive Education at the University of Washington, OSPI is partnering with school districts across the state to create demonstration sites highlighting best practices to reduce the use of restraint and eliminate the use of isolation. These schools will participate in transformational professional development and, in turn, provide learning experiences that inspire continuous improvement, with the goal of creating learning communities to be used as sites for research and professional development and model demonstration sites for best practices in positive behavior support. These schools will serve as exemplars that show the benefits of reducing restraint and eliminating isolation on student outcomes. Districts/programs that apply are committed to: 

  • Collaborate with OSPI and partners to implement practices and schoolwide support systems that aim to eliminate isolation and reduce restraint use. The schoolwide systems must include trauma-informed positive behavior and intervention supports, de-escalation, and problem-solving skills. 
  • Continuously partner with OSPI and external partners to highlight the systems and processes that have contributed to the elimination of student isolation and reduction of restraint use in the school/district.

  • Engage in professional learning activities to support the building of school-level and district-level systems that eliminate student isolation, track, and reduce restraint use, and build schoolwide systems to support students in distress and prevent crisis escalation cycles that may result in restraint or isolation. 

  • Provide student-level data, program information, project feedback, and reflections to OSPI as needed. 

Professional Development 

OSPI issued Request for Proposals No. 2024–12 on March 15, 2024, soliciting proposals from consultants interested in participating in the RREI project as providers of professional development. Successful bidders will provide training to Pilot Sites and collaborate with OSPI to guide recommendations for statewide professional development needs.  

In addition, free public professional development opportunities are posted on the Restraint and Isolation page. 

Professional Development Providers
Target Audiences

This project aims to support districts in building comprehensive systems to support students in distress and mitigate crisis escalation cycles that can result in restraint or isolation. As such, training is targeted at the following audiences: 

  • Classroom teachers (general and special education) 
  • District leaders (e.g. superintendents) 
  • Instructional education support personnel (e.g. paraeducators) 
  • Parents, families, guardians, and caregivers 
  • School leaders (e.g. principals) 
  • School support staff (e.g. transportation, security) 
  • School board members