Request Facilitation

Contact Information

Special Education


TTY: 360-664-3631

Sound Options Group

Seattle Area: 206-842-2298

Toll Free: 800-692-2540

Facilitation is a voluntary process for parents and districts to meet to discuss their concerns with the help of a trained, neutral facilitator. Facilitation gives parents and districts the chance to resolve their special education concerns on their own, in a less formal process than mediation. There is no cost for the facilitation services.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who provides facilitation services?

OSPI contracts with a company called Sound Options Group to provide facilitation services to families and districts. Sound Options uses facilitators who are trained in conflict resolution techniques and help parties communicate to focus on problem solving. The facilitators are neutral third parties and do not act as advocates for either families or school districts.

What does a facilitation session look like?

During a facilitation session, the facilitator works with the IEP team to:

  1. Clarify the issues in dispute and set an agenda of items to be discussed,
  2. Resolve conflicts, and
  3. Develop terms of an informal agreement between the parties, if an agreement can be reached.
Am I required to participate in facilitation?

No, facilitation is a voluntary process and a family member or district may elect to not participate.

How do I request a facilitation or get more information?

Contact Sound Options Group at 800-692-2540 or 206-842-2298 (Seattle)

Washington State relay service numbers: 800-833-6388 (TDD) or 800-833-6384 (voice)


This information is intended to provide guidance about requirements under IDEA Part B. It does not address every requirement contained in chapter 392-172A WAC and it is not legal advice. The intent is to support and not replace careful study of the IDEA and Washington state regulations implementing the IDEA.