Contact Information

The INSIGHT Portal is the technology platform used to manage and document the administration of the WA-AIM. All users must be added as one of the following users in INSIGHT:

  • District Test Coordinator
  • School Coordinator
  • Test Administrator

Application Menus

INSIGHT application menus include:

  • User Management- DACs assign user roles and permissions for each new administration
  • Student Management- Confirm students and demographics of students pre-identified to take the WA-AIM in the Washington Assessment Management System (WAMS). Student Management is Read Only for all users.
  • Item and Form Management- Access the item library and create or use baseline, instructional, and instructional forms.
  • Registration- Test Administrators associate Final Forms to students.
  • Student Performance Data- Test Administrators enter student responses to WA-AIM items.

Once logged into INSIGHT, Test Administrators (teachers) will be able to access the Data Collection Platform where WA-AIM assessments are documented and submitted.

User Guides & Documents