Educator Resources

K–12 Math Updates

Contact Information

K-12 Mathematics

Serena O'Neill

Associate Director of
Content - Secondary Mathematics

Laura Grant

Associate Director, Elementary Mathematics & Content Integration

Resources for teachers and districts, including instructional materials and course supports.

Resources for Educators


Early Numeracy

Early numeracy is essential to building a strong foundation for mathematical reasoning. These resources are designed to provide support for quality math instruction for our early learners.


Youcubed: Lessons and tasks aligned with growth mindset from Jo Boaler, Ph.D.

Middle School


A collection of digital math activities that support mathematical reasoning and exploration.

Financial Literacy Tasks

Tasks that demonstrate how financial literacy standards can be incorporated within the mathematics classroom.

Illustrative Mathematics Tasks

Tasks strongly aligned to the Standards for Mathematical Content and Mathematical Practice.

Mathematics Assessment Project (MARS)

Lessons and assessment tasks to assist students in developing math concepts and solving non-routine problems.

Open Middle

Open Middle is a collection of challenging math problems (standards-aligned). You can browse by grade band or standard.

The Three Acts of Math

Use storytelling as a framework for certain mathematical tasks. Learn more about the Three Acts of a Mathematical Story.

High School

High School Courses

Modern Algebra 2 is a complete set of instructional materials that overhauls the outdated content and approach of the traditional course to be meaningful and relevant for Washington students.

A 12th-grade course grounded in essential career and college readiness expectations as reflected in the Washington State K–12 Learning Standards for Mathematics and English Language Arts (the Common Core State Standards) to ensure that students passing the course are fully prepared for college-level coursework.

Instructional Materials

Bridge to College Instructional Materials

Disclaimer: Only teachers who participate in the Bridge to College year-long professional learning program are eligible to teach the Bridge to College Math course using the state course code. This official use of the course fulfills a Graduation Pathway (see Transition Course) and allows students to exercise the College Placement Agreement. For more information about the teacher professional learning program and the college placement agreement available to students visit the OSPI Bridge to College page.


A collection of digital math activities that support mathematical reasoning and exploration.

Financial Literacy Tasks

Tasks that demonstrate how financial literacy standards can be incorporated within the mathematics classroom.

GeoGebra Math Apps

Free online math tools for graphing, geometry, and more.

Illustrative Mathematics Resources

Tasks strongly aligned to the Standards for Mathematical Content and Mathematical Practice.

Mathematics Assessment Project (MARS)

Lessons and assessment tasks to assist students in developing math concepts and solving non-routine problems.

The Three Acts of Math

Use storytelling as a framework for certain mathematical tasks. Learn more about the Three Acts of a Mathematical Story.

Professional Learning Opportunties

In Person Professional Development

Each Educational Service District (ESD) provides a variety of math professional learning opportunities for educators, schools and districts. For more information on district-sponsored professional development, please contact your ESD Regional Mathematics Coordinator.

No In-Person Professional Development events are available at this time.

Online Professional Development

Resources for teachers, instructional coaches, and administrators to support math professional learning through workshops, PLCs, coaching, institutes, etc.

  • Inside Mathematics: Explore real mathematics teaching and learning by exploring everyday classrooms where educators are working to refine their mathematics teaching practices.
  • Youcubed: Online professional development for mathematics teachers by Jo Boaler, Ph.D.

K-12 Math Resources

Instructional Strategies

Mathematically Productive Instructional Routines (MPIRs)

Mathematically productive instructional routines are short (5–15 minutes) learning activities that teachers and students engage in together on a consistent basis so that the activity becomes routine.

Growth Mindset and Classroom Culture

Youcubed: Lessons and tasks aligned with growth mindset from Jo Boaler, Ph.D.

OSPI K-12 Progression Documents

Developed by OSPI for educators in all content areas to see the development of conceptual understanding within the strand.

Instructional Resources, Tools, and Supports

Instructional Resources, Tools, and Supports.

Instructional Practice Guides, Achieve the Core

Coaching and lesson planning tools to support the Key Shifts in instructional practice required by the Common Core State Standards (CCSS).

Teaching for Robust Understanding of Mathematics, Mathematics Assessment Resource Service (MARS)
Tools to enhance instruction, utilizing the five dimensions of powerful classrooms.

Supporting 21st Century Math Teaching Modules, Mathematics Assessment Resource Service (MARS)
Professional Development Modules designed to help teachers with the practical and pedagogical challenges in order to supplement traditional classroom practice and support the Standards.

Culturally Responsive Teaching in Math, Teach for America
Discusses teaching strategies to support all students through building academic identities, mathematical discourse, and building on prior knowledge.

Principles to Actions: Ensuring Mathematical Success for All, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM)
Overview of the eight research-based, highly effective teaching practices essential for high-quality mathematics education for all students.

Resources for Students with Disabilities

Resources to support students with disabilities.

Resources for English Learners

Resources to support students that are English Learners (ELs).

Materials Review and Adoption

Resources for evaluating instructional materials and assisting in materials adoption.

OSPI Created Resources
Other Resources

Printable resources created by Dan Finkel. ©Math for Love. All Rights Reserved. Used with permission.