State Testing Scores and Reports

Related Score Report Resources

Test Score Guide

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Achievement Level Descriptors

Achievement level descriptors (ALDs) describe the knowledge, skills, and processes that students demonstrate on state tests at pre-determined levels of achievement for each tested grade level.

Technical Reports

The Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing (AERA, APA, NCME, 2014) identifies professional standards, criteria, and recommendations for test developers and test publishers. One of those standards is to provide sufficient documentation that enables potential test users to evaluate the quality of a test, including evidence for the reliability and validity of test scores. Technical reports provide that documentation.

Testing Statistics (Frequency Distribution)

State testing determines a student’s skills and knowledge based on our state learning standards in reading, writing, math, and science. The score on each test (see sample score reports) is a snapshot of a student’s performance. Academic performance should always be considered, not just a student's state testing scores.

Scale Scores: State Assessments

Here are scale scores for Smarter Balanced, Washington Comprehensive Assessment of Science (WCAS), and other historical score scale ranges.

Sample Score Reports

Every student who participates in state testing receives a score report. Please contact their school if you have specific questions about your student's scores or performance. 

To view a sample score report, please choose one from the list below:

The Summative Scoring of ELA and Math document describes how math and ELA tests are scored. Please contact your local district office with questions about your student's score reports.

OSPI will assist District Test Coordinators in providing score reports in alternate formats (e.g., Braille) upon request. Email Assessment at OSPI with the district request for assistance.

Request to View Your Student's Test

Parents and guardians of full-time or part-time students in Washington public schools can view their students' Washington Comprehensive Assessment Program (WCAP) tests during state testing.