Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Guidance & Resources

OSPI is committed to providing ongoing guidance and resources for school districts, as well as resources for students and families as appropriate, as we navigate the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on our students, school employees, families, and communities. The most current guidance and resources are provided below.

For School Districts


Superintendent Reykdal's 2022 Annual K–12 Education Update

On January 7, 2022, State Superintendent Chris Reykdal laid out the state of Washington’s K–12 public education system, as well as his vision for transforming the last two years of high school. The address was the first of what will be an annual update on Washington’s K–12 schools from the Superintendent. View materials from the address:

Vaccination Requirement Information

As part of a safe and healthy reopening and our ability to provide continued in-person learning without major COVID-related disruptions, on August 18, Governor Inslee announced a new requirement for all K–12 school employees to be vaccinated against COVID-19 or obtain a religious or medical exemption by October 18, 2021.

See more information about the requirement:

School in Fall 2021

Health & Safety Requirements & Guidance

Schools are required, by order of the Governor, to follow the following health and safety guidance:

In addition to the required schools' guidance, DOH has published a supplemental guidance document with considerations for schools in reducing virus transmission. Schools are not required to follow the strategies included in the guidance.

Other Resources

Department of Health Guidance & Resources

Find more guidance and resources for schools on the Department of Health's website.

State & Federal Funding Overview

The most current guidance and resources related to funding are available on OSPI's COVID-19 State & Federal Funding webpage.

Special Education

The most current guidance and resources related to supporting students receiving special education services during the pandemic are available on OSPI’s COVID-19 Special Education Guidance webpage.

Guidance for Teaching by Content Area
Child Care

As schools bring students back this fall, child care and youth development programs, like before and after school care, tutoring/mentoring, and wrap-around services, will be an important part of the support system families rely on. Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, these programs have offered academic and social-emotional support; access to computers and Wi-Fi; provided meals and snacks; connected students and families to financial, health, and other resources for families.

Increased collaboration and communication between schools and child/youth-serving community-based providers will be important for maintaining safety and continuity for children between school and programs, especially if there are instances of COVID-19 exposure. Working together in the months and years ahead will also help ensure that the child/youth-serving sector can continue to thrive so that families have access to the programs they need. As the pandemic continues, many programs are facing staffing and funding challenges due to fluctuating enrollment.

Schools can take steps to support students and families by engaging with local child care and youth development programs to ensure good communication channels are in place; especially around children who are served in common. Below are some easy ways to help families and communities manage back to school as successfully as possible:

  • Identify someone in the district as a point person between child care and youth development programs and share the contact information with those programs.
  • Prioritize referrals to existing programs before standing up additional childcare options.
  • Plan for sharing information about known exposures between school and child care settings serving the same children, when possible, especially if the child care program regularly transports the child to school, or the school transports the child between care and school. Check with appropriate legal counsel when establishing information-sharing agreements.
  • Communicate changes in the school’s schedule/practices directly to child care and youth development programs to allow time to make adjustments to support families as needed.
  • Connect with licensed child care providers in your area by contacting Child Care Aware.
  • Visit School’s Out Washington’s Open Programs & School Age Childcare Map.
  • Include child care and youth development programs in family-facing communications where appropriate. For instance, if the district sends regular updates to families via email, send to providers as well. If you need a list of child care providers. please send a request to
  • Encourage staff and families to sign up for WA Notify (also known as Washington Exposure Notifications), a free tool that works on smartphones to alert users if they may have been exposed to COVID-19 without sharing any personal information.
  • Direct families needing child care to the Child Care Aware of Washington Family Center website or to call 1-800-446-1114.
  • Direct families needing assistance with paying for child care to Working Connections Child Care.
  • Be open to creative ways to continue or begin sharing dedicated space with child care and youth development programs, including the use of classrooms, the gym, multipurpose room, cafeteria/kitchen, outdoor/grounds, and entry ways.
Bullying & Harassment

COVID-19 is not at all connected to race, ethnicity, or nationality. School staff should be mindful that bullying, intimidation, or harassment of students based on actual or perceived race, color, national origin, or disability (including the actual disability of being infected with COVID-19 or perception of being infected) may result in a violation of state and federal civil rights laws. School districts must take immediate and appropriate action to investigate what occurred when responding to reports of bullying or harassment. If parents and families believe their child has experienced bullying, harassment, or intimidation related to the COVID-19 pandemic, they should contact their school district’s designated civil rights compliance coordinator.

The U.S. Department of Education has also released guidance on addressing the risk of COVID-19 in schools while protecting the civil rights of students.

For Students & Families


Vaccination Information
Affordable Connectivity Program

High-Speed Internet

The Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) is now offering eligible households high-speed internet (100Mbps download) for $30 a month with no additional out-of-pocket costs.

There are 3 ways families can qualify:

  • Income of 200% or less than the federal poverty guidelines
  • Program participation (such as Free Reduced Lunch Program eligible, or SNAP, etc.), or
  • Meeting the eligibility criteria for a participating broadband provider’s existing low-income internet program

What families need to know about this new ACP opportunity:

For those that meet the eligibility requirements:

  • $30 guaranteed plan download speed of 100 Mbps
  • 20 providers to choose from
  • New or existing internet plans
  • 3 ways to qualify

For further details, visit the White House's Get Internet and High-Speed Internet Fact Sheet pages.

For more information, please see the Educational Technology Federal Programs webpage.

Multilingual Families Resources Overview

Support for Multilingual Families

Learn more about parents' rights to translation and interpretation services, and family access to remote or distance learning activities. In addition to technology access, multilingual families may also need navigation support with accessing child care, early learning programs, nutrition, and financial assistance, and mental health and other health services.

Resources to Support Multilingual Families—English

Arabic | Chinese | Korean | Marshallese | Russian | Somalian | Spanish | Tagalog | Ukrainian | Vietnamese

Step-by-Step Access

Get step-by-step instructions on how to use 5 different teaching platforms.

Family Engagement

Family Engagement

This publication is a companion resource to the OSPI’s prior Reopening Washington Schools 2020 District Planning Guide, issued June 2020. The Family Engagement document provides guidance and strategies for building strong family, school, district, and community partnerships, and identifies resources to build and strengthen connections across these groups. You will find key questions, suggested actions, and resources for five categories of building successful Family engagement.

Videos of Superintendent Reykdal - COVID-19 Updates


2021–22 School Year Videos
2020–21 School Year Videos


2019–20 School Year Videos

Previous Guidance


Fall 2020 Guidance


Spring 2020 Guidance