Ethnic Studies Advisory Committee
Contact Information
Andrew Miller
Associate Director, Content - Social Studies360-870-0066
The Ethnic Studies Advisory Committee was created by OSPI as mandated by the 2019 Legislature in SB 5023 and by the 2020 Legislature in SB 6066. OSPI is charged to "...identify and make available ethnic studies materials and resources for use in grades kindergarten through twelve." The Legislature states in RCW 28A.150.210 that "A basic education is an evolving program of instruction that is intended to provide students with the opportunity to become responsible and respectful global citizens..." The Legislature also intends to encourage public schools with students in grades seven through twelve to offer an ethnic studies course that incorporates the materials and resources.
Authorizing Legislation
- Senate Bill 6066 (2020) An act relating to ethnic studies materials and resources for public school students in grades kindergarten through six; amending RCW 28A.655.300 and 28A.300.112.
- Senate Bill 5023 (2019) Concerning an ethnic studies curriculum for public school students.
- RCW 28A.150.210 Basic education—Goals of school districts.
Ethnic Studies Community Agreements
Washington State Ethnic Studies Framework and Supporting Materials
The Ethnic Studies page contains The Washington State Ethnic Studies Framework and all supporting materials and resources from the Washington State Ethnic Studies Advisory Committee.
Committee Meetings
Ethnic Studies Advisory Committee meetings are co-facilitated by Verónica Vélez, Associate Professor, Secondary Education and Education & Social Justice at Western Washington University; Denisha Saucedo, Educator-FWPS; and Brooke Brown, Educator-CPSD.
Past Meetings
- Past Ethnic Studies Advisory Committee meetings
- October 20, 2021 Agenda | Minutes
- June 10, 2021 meeting agenda
- April 21, 2021 meeting agenda | minutes
- March 3, 2021 meeting agenda | minutes
- February 3, 2020 meeting agenda | minutes
- December 2, 2020 meeting agenda | minutes
- February 24, 2020 meeting agenda
- February 12, 2020 meeting agenda | notes
- November 14, 2019 meeting agenda | Small Group Leader Guide
- October 30, 2019 meeting agenda | notes
- September 30, 2019 meeting agenda | notes
- November 12, 2020 meeting agenda | minutes | recording
- October 28, 2020 meeting agenda | minutes | recording
- October 14, 2020 meeting agenda | minutes | recording
- March 11, 2020 Small meeting agenda
Ethnic Studies Advisory Committee Members
Name | Representing |
William Jackson | Association of Washington School Principals |
Andrea Caupain-Sanderson | Commission on African American Affairs |
Dr. Wanda M. Brown-Billingsly, Ed.D | Commission on African American Affairs |
Sui-Lan Ho'okano | Commission on Asian Pacific American Affairs |
Vesna Danh | Commission on Asian Pacific American Affairs |
Maria Isabel Carrera Zamanillo | Commission on Hispanic Affairs |
Rodrigo F. Renteria-Valencia, Ph.D | Commission on Hispanic Affairs |
Nu'om Fariz | Council on American Islamic Relations |
Amanda Hubbard | Educator Recommendation |
Amie Jette | Educator Recommendation |
Brooke Brown (Co-Facilitator) | Educator Recommendation |
Harpreet Parhar | Educator Recommendation |
Isabelle Tetu | Educator Recommendation |
Kate Frazier | Educator Recommendation |
Martin Louie | Educator Recommendation |
Melissa Pointer | Educator Recommendation |
Sharon J. Kriskovich | Educator Recommendation |
Tina Gilmore | Educator Recommendation |
Linda J. Clifton | Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle |
Linda McKay | Washington Association of School Administrators |
Vicki C. Bates | Washington Association of School Administrators |
Denisha Saucedo (Co-Facilitator) | Washington Education Association |
Michael Peña | Washington Education Association |
Pamelia Valentine | Washington Teacher Advisory Council |
Verónica N. Vélez, Ph.D. (Co-Facilitator) | Western Washington University |