Transitional Bilingual Instruction Program Guidance

Contact Information

Kristin Percy Calaff, Ph.D.

Executive Director of Multilingual Education

Virginia Morales

Assistant Director, ESD 189 & 121 (King)

Shannon Martin

Supervisor ESD 113, 114 & 121 (Pierce)

Katie Sperling

Multilingual & Dual Program Supervisor, ESD 101 & 171

Kadriye El-Atwani, Ph.D.

Supervisor ESD 105, 112 & 123

Washington State serves approximately 150,000 multilingual learners in transitional bilingual instruction programs (TBIP). These programs are guided by state and federal laws and provide support for students to develop English proficiency, preserve bilingual skills, and meet academic standards.

The Multilingual Learner Statewide Strategic Plan provides a vision for supporting the success of all multilingual learners in Washington state with goals, strategies, and key actions to take at the state, district, school, and classroom level.

Washington State Policies & Practices Guide

The following documents provide guidance on required policies and practices for TBIP programs.

Resources & Toolkits

The following resources can support districts and schools in implementing effective, high-quality programs for multilingual learners (MLs).

District Resources

School Resources

U.S. Department for Education Toolkits

  • English Learner Toolkit provides information and resources for meeting the civil rights requirements for supporting all multilingual learners.
  • Newcomer Toolkit provides information, professional learning activities, and resources to support newly arrived multilingual learners.
  • Family Toolkit provides information for families of multilingual learners about school procedures and services to support their children.

Annual Reports to the Legislature

OSPI provides an annual report to the legislature on the Transitional Bilingual Instruction Program as required by RCW 28A.180.020. These legislative reports can be found on the OSPI Reports to the Legislature page.

Professional Organizations & Networks

These professional organizations and networks are intended to advance the educational opportunities of multilingual learners.

List of Professional Organizations and Networks

Center for Applied Linguistics
The Center for Applied Linguistics is a private, nonprofit organization promoting access, equity and mutual understanding for linguistically and culturally diverse people around the world.

Colorín Colorado
A non-profit organization with information, activities, and advice for educators and families of English language learners.

Education Northwest
Chartered in 1966 as Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory, Education Northwest now conducts nearly 200 projects annually, working with schools, districts, and communities across the country on comprehensive, research-based solutions to the challenges they face.

NABE: National Association for Bilingual Education
National Association for Bilingual Education (NABE) [is] a non-profit membership organization…NABE’s priorities include: Improving instructional practices for linguistically and culturally diverse children; providing bilingual educators with more high-quality professional development opportunities.

TESOL: Teachers of English to Students of Other Languages
International professional organization for teachers of English with diverse on-line resources.

Understanding Language
Understanding Language aims to heighten educator awareness of the critical role that language plays in the new Common Core State Standards and Next Generation Science Standards.

WABE: Washington Association for Bilingual Education
The Washington Association for Bilingual Education promotes bilingual/multicultural education throughout the state of Washington in every possible way, at all educational and legislative levels, and among all groups.

WAESOL: Washington Association of Teachers to Speakers of Other Languages
WAESOL, the Washington state affiliate of Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), is a professional, non-profit organization whose purposes are to: promote scholarship, disseminate information related to ESL, strengthen at all levels of instruction and research in TESOL and dialects, cooperate in appropriate ways with other groups sharing similar concerns, serve members of the ESL community in the state of Washington.