Financial Education Professional Development and Training

FEPPP YouTube Channel

Check out the FEPPP YouTube Channel! Find recordings of FEPPP webinars, including the summer 2024 webinar series, Trauma-Informed Financial Education for Every Classroom. 

The Financial Education Public-Private Partnership (FEPPP) is committed to connecting public and private stakeholders to improve and advocate for financial education in Washington schools and communities. FEPPP strives to develop and deliver professional development that provides educators with the knowledge, skills, and resources needed to meet the diverse needs of today’s students.

Upcoming FEPPP Professional Development & Training

FEPPP provides virtual and in-person professional development and training opportunities in Financial Education, as well as other content areas when applicable.

New Spring Financial Education Webinars!* Registration now open for all sessions!

*All webinars will be held 4:00 - 5:30pm via Zoom.  Once registered you will be sent a link for the webinar.


Past Webinars Available on the FEPPP YouTube Channel

Winter Financial Literacy Webinar Series: Unwrapping the Secrets of Financial Success
Organized by Migrant Education Program and Financial Education Public-Private Partnership (FEPPP)
Gain insights on budgeting, banking, credit, and scams and fraud; learn about accessible, free resources in English and Spanish; and empower education professionals working with highly mobile youth transitioning into adulthood to feel confident discussing financial education.  

Did you miss some of our previous sessions? These webinars are now available on our YouTube Channel.

Looking for more videos?  Check out other financial education topics available on our YouTube Channel


Professional Development from FEPPP Partners

EconEdLink Professional Development

All EconEdLink professional development is free. Registration is required.

“The Council for Economic Education offers free professional development training wherever you are. Watch a webinar for a minimum of 45 minutes and you will receive a certificate of completion within 24 hours.”

Next Gen Personal Finance (NGPF) Academy

Approved state clock hour provider. All NGPF professional development is free. Registration is required.

“NGPF Academy offers free comprehensive professional development options to help you gain confidence, earn credits, and build community.”

  • Virtual PDs: Get lesson and activity ideas and collaborate with other educators at these free, live, interactive one-hour sessions.
  • On-Demand Modules: Self-paced, one-hour modules built on the Nearpod platform (no subscription required). Learn more about hot topics, current events, and tricky finance concepts.
  • Certification Courses: Nine hours of live or self-paced virtual instruction spanning multiple weeks, culminating in a certification exam. Deepen content knowledge across 11 topics, including Cryptocurrency Basics and Paying for College.

Take Charge Today Professional Development

All Take Charge Today professional development is free. Registration is required.

“Resources are available to educators who would like to learn more about Take Charge Today classroom materials, implementation methods, and content. These resources provide educators with flexibility and the confidence to incorporate financial education into their classrooms.”