National Board Certified Teachers

Contact Information

National Board Certified Teachers (NBCTs)

Steven Mueller

Program Supervisor

National Board Certified Teachers (NBCTs) are highly accomplished educators who meet high and rigorous standards set by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS). With over 11,000 NBCTs, Washington state has the third largest group of NBCTs in the nation and consistently certifies some of the largest new NBCT groups each candidate cycle.

Become a National Board Candidate

Learn about the National Board process, requirements, and supports available to you.

Update Your Profile

Please let OSPI know if your contact or profile information has changed. Don't forget to update your account with NBPTS too!

Washington State Teaching Certificate and National Board

Achieving National Board Certification entitles you to maintain your Washington state teaching certificate for the duration of the National Board Certificate. However, it is necessary to complete the appropriate OSPI certification paperwork in order to maintain your teaching certificate.

Clock Hour Information

OSPI awards clock hours to National Board candidates and certified teachers.

National Board Certified Teacher Bonus

Washington offers a bonus to all eligible K-12 public school NBCTs.

NBCT Renewal/Maintenance of Certification

If you are in your eighth or ninth year as a NBCT, it’s time to begin the renewal process through NBPTS. The renewal portfolio entry is called the Profile of Professional Growth. Beginning in 2021, NBPTS is switching from a 10 year renewal process, to a 5 year Maintenance of Certification (MOC) process.​

Leadership Opportunities

Become a National Board facilitator, share the process with others, and learn more about our network partners, CSTP and WEA.