Washington Kindergarten Inventory of Developing Skills (WaKIDS)

Frequently Asked Questions

Review the full list of WaKIDS frequently asked questions for questions and answers about the three components of WaKIDS, training, and more.

Contact Information



The Washington Kindergarten Inventory of Developing Skills (WaKIDS) is a transition process that helps to ensure a successful start to the K-12 experience and connect the key adults in a child’s life. These data help inform state and district-level decisions about education policy and investments, and classroom decisions about individualized learning.

Family Connection

The Family Connection component of WaKIDS, which occurs through a Family Connection Meeting, is a one-on-one meeting with a child’s family/guardian to welcome them to the K-12 system.

Whole-child Assessment

The Whole-child Assessment is an authentic whole-child observational assessment, meaning that teachers observe children during everyday activities (transitions, instruction, learning centers, etc.)

Early Learning Collaboration

The Early Learning Collaboration component of WaKIDS aims to foster relationships with early learning providers to transition children to kindergarten. This practice can create a sense of continuity for children to promote a shared understanding of kindergarten readiness, and ultimately provide a smooth transition for children and families.

Training & Webinars

WaKIDS is a transition process that helps to ensure a successful start to the K-12 experience and connect the key adults in a child’s life. Please see below for upcoming WaKIDS training dates, training descriptions, and to register for any WaKIDS trainings.


The following WaKIDS related resources are for teachers, administrators, support staff, district assessment coordinators, and families.

Contacts & Supports

Find WaKIDS staff to contact for any questions or technical support.