Computer Science Grants

Contact Information

Computer Science

Terron Ishihara

Computer Science Program Supervisor

The computer science and education grants train and credential teachers in computer sciences, provide and upgrade technology needed to learn computer science, and for computer science frontiers grants to introduce students to and engage them in computer science.

OSPI continues to award computer science education grants to improve access to computer science and related educational programs in Washington state.

See 2023 Legislative Session Budget details pages 523-525 sections (i) and (k).

Computer Science Education Grant (FP777)


  • Eligible applicants are public or private schools, State-Tribal Education Compacts (STECs) or tribal schools, school districts, and Educational Service Districts (ESDs) that demonstrate readiness.
  • Non-profit organizations or institutions of higher education in partnership with a public or private school, STECs or tribal schools, school districts, or ESD may apply to train and credential teachers in computer science.

Fund Use

Grant funds may be expended only to the extent that they are equally matched by private sources for the program, including gifts, grants, or endowments. No match is required for school districts and STECs with greater than 50% of students eligible for free and reduced-price meals.

The engagement of underserved student populations is emphasized. Underserved student populations include:

  • economically disadvantaged students;
  • students from major racial and ethnic groups;
  • students with disabilities;
  • students with limited English proficiency (the federal term);
  • girls; and
  • students in alternative education.

AP Computer Science Initiative Grant (FP656)

The Advanced Placement (AP) Computer Science Initiative Grant supports the implementation of AP Computer Science course offerings in high school.

Fund Use

  • establish partnerships to support computer science professionals from private industry serving on a voluntary basis as co-instructors along with a certified teacher, including via synchronous video, for AP Computer Science courses; or
  • purchase or upgrade technology and curriculum needed for AP Computer Science, as well as provide opportunities for professional development for classroom teachers to have the requisite knowledge and skills to teach AP Computer Science.

Priority will be given to schools and districts/STECs in rural areas, with substantial amount of low-income students, and that do not offer AP Computer Science.

For more information on AP Computer Science course options, see the College Board pages for each course: