Dual Language Education and Resources

Contact Information

Dual Language Education

Kristin Percy Calaff, Ph.D.

Executive Director of Multilingual Education

Ema Shirk

Supporting Heritage and Dual Language Programs

Teresa Mendoza-Casby

Supporting Dual Language Programs

In dual language programs, students in PreK-12 learn content, language and literacy in English and a partner language such as Spanish, Mandarin Chinese, Vietnamese, Japanese, or Russian. Dual language education is the most effective instructional model* for multilingual learners (MLs), native English speakers, and historically underserved student groups and is the preferred model for MLs in Washington state.

*See research by Thomas & Collier, 1997-2020 and Lindholm-Leary & Genesee, 2010.


These videos provide information and perspectives on dual language education from the state superintendent, parents, students, educators, and administrators.


Professional Learning 

Dual Language 

Heritage Language


Spanish Language Standards & Instructional Resources

Spanish Language Arts & Language Development Standards

Instructional Resources

Dual & Heritage Language Resources

Dual Language Resources

Heritage Language Resources

Bilingual Educator Development

Becoming an Educator

Grow-Your-Own Programs