English Language Arts
ELA School Year Considerations 2020-21
The Considerations for K-12 English Language Arts and Literacy Education during school year 2020-21 provides educators and administrators with a starting points to enhance instructional practices and student learning.
Contact Information
Carey Kirkwood
Associate Director, Elementary ELA& Content Integration
Praxia Apostle
Associate Director - Content, Secondary ELA564-999-3259
OSPI provides support to school districts and partners with the implementation of the English language arts (ELA) standards, educational initiatives, and laws required by Washington state.
ELA Learning Standards
The Common Core State Standards are the Washington State K–12 ELA Learning Standards. The standards describe what students should know and be able to do at each grade level. The Best Practices for Instruction are concepts, ideas, and practices that encourage a more equitable and just educational system.
Assessments are designed to help districts, schools, teachers, parents, and students determine the level of proficiency of a student's understanding of the ELA learning standards.
Washington State Fellows Network
Engaging Teacher Leaders in English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Early Learning.
About Dyslexia
Dyslexia is a neurological disorder that is characterized by unexpected difficulties and abilities that are not consistent with the person's intelligence, motivation, and sensory capabilities. Learn more about recommended tools for early screening of dyslexia!
Bridge to College Courses
A 12th-grade course grounded in essential career and college readiness expectations as reflected in the Washington State K–12 Learning Standards for English Language Arts and Mathematics (the Common Core State Standards) to ensure that students passing the course are fully prepared for college-level coursework.
Washington Reading Corps
The mission of the Washington Reading Corps (WRC) is to improve reading abilities of K–6 students across Washington state.