OSPI-Developed Performance Assessments for the Arts

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The Arts

Denise Davis 
Director of Arts and Content Integration

Elementary, middle, and high schools are required to have assessments or other strategies in place for students to learn essential academic learning requirements in Social Studies, the Arts, Health and Fitness, and Educational Technology. Additionally, students in the 4th or 5th grade, 7th or 8th grade, and the 11th or 12th grade must complete at least one OSPI-developed Classroom-Based Assessment (CBA), or a district-supported alternative, in civics.

To show implementation of these assessments, school districts are required to submit an annual implementation verification report to OSPI.

2023–24 Instruction & Assessment Reporting Requirements

The annual reporting system is not yet open online for districts to begin entering information for this school year. We are refining our reporting procedures. A bulletin will be released soon that will share new reporting methods. If you have previously submitted information for the 2023–24 school year, you will need to resubmit information. Submissions must be submitted no later than September 30, 2024.

Recommendations and Resources

OSPI recommends districts use the OSPI-developed assessments in the Arts, Educational Technology, Health and Physical Education, and Social Studies to meet the requirements of RCW 28A.230.095 and RCW 28A.655.075. If local assessments or other strategies are used to meet the requirements, it is strongly recommended they are reviewed for quality and alignment to state standards, based on research, and able to measure individual student achievement. In addition, school districts are encouraged to develop policies and procedures that support the implementation of assessments in these areas, as well as the collection, use, and retention of assessment data.

Performance Strategies



  • Poetry in Motion (2018) Students are asked to create a short dance based on the ideas, feelings, and images of a poem.
  • Dancing Art (2018) Students are asked to choreograph and perform a dance based on one of two works of arts (visual).
  • Wild Wonderful Weather (2015) Students are asked to choreograph and perform a dance based on the qualities of weather.
  • Shape It Up (2018) Students are asked to choreograph and perform a dance based on a geometric shape.
  • Dancing Differences (2018) Students are asked to describe the ways that two dances from different cultures are similar and different.

Middle School

  • Moving Poetry (2018) Students are asked to create a short dance based on the ideas, feelings, and images of a poem.
  • Moving Masterpieces (2018) Students are asked to choreograph a solo dance based on one of two works of visual art, using no words.
  • Start Right! (2015) Students are asked to create a warm-up focused on alignment.
  • Choreograph a Commercial (2015) Students are asked to choreograph a solo dance that advertises a product.
  • Dance Critic (2018) Students are asked to view a dance video and analyze the ideas or feelings expressed in the piece.
  • Dance Expert (2015) Students are asked to view a dance video and write a description of the dance.

High School

  • Poetry in Performance (2018) Students are asked to translate their understanding of a poem into a dance.
  • Art in Action (2018) Students are asked to choreograph a solo dance based on a work of visual art.
  • The Audition (2018) Students are asked to memorize a short dance and create, perform, and respond about a variation based on the memorized dance.
  • Moving Toward Alignment (2018) Students are asked to create warm-up sequences to develop alignment and flexibility in two different styles of dance or activities.
  • World Dance Cultures (2018) Students are asked to watch videos of dances from two different cultures and be prepared to respond to a series of questions and prompts.
  • Youth and the Arts (2018) Students are asked to individually choreograph a short dance including choosing the subject and music.


  • Zoo Tunes (2019) Students are asked to notate, and perform, with voice or instrument, an original musical composition portraying a chosen animal.
  • What a Find! (2018) The students are asked to create a rhythmic pattern based on given notations, arrange it into a rondo form (ABACA), and sight read and play the rhythmic pattern using body percussion.
  • Come to the Fair (2018) Students are asked to listen to and compare and contrast two musical compositions.
  • Pet Food Commercial (formerly Cat Food Commercial) (2019) Students are asked to create, compose and perform a commercial that demonstrates an understanding of how tempo, rhythm, and dynamics relate to the cat food.
  • All-Star Cast (2018) Students are asked to sight-sing two measures of music.
  • Cartoon Soundtrack (2019) Students are asked to create four measure long music for a cartoon soundtrack.

Middle School

  • All-State All-Stars (2018) Students are asked to perform a sight-singing exercise of four measures of music.
  • Commercial Jingle (formerly Bubble Gum Jingle) (2018) Students are asked to create and perform a jingle, using voice or instrument, for a new kind of bubble gum.
  • Roller Coaster Fanatic (2015) Students are asked to create a theme, using voice or an instrument, showing a person's feelings when riding a roller coaster as a theme for a computer game.
  • Festival Time Ensemble (2019) Students are asked to select a musical piece which they will research, analyze, and then perform, using voice or an instrument in a small ensemble.
  • Festival Time Solo (2019) Students are asked to form small ensembles of two, three, or four people and select music to fit their group.
  • Pit Orchestra Audition (2019) Students are asked to sight read the rhythms, note patterns, and dynamics in eight measures of music for strings.
  • Music Review (2018) Students are asked to write a review of a piece of music the teacher has played for them.
  • Stepping to the Rhythm (2019) Students are asked to sight-read the rhythms in eight measures of music and use body percussion or voice to perform them.

High School

  • The Melody of Your Dreams (2018) Students are asked to create a musical composition with a "catchy" melody for voice or instrument that may be used in an advertisement for a car advertisement.
  • Documentary Theme Song (2019) Students will be asked to create a music composition using a music sequencing computer program or a music notation computer program.
  • Festival Time Solo (2019) Students are asked to form small ensembles of two, three, or four people and select music to fit their group.
  • Festival Time Ensemble (2019) Students are asked to select a musical piece that they will research, analyze, and then perform using voice or an instrument.
  • Sounds of Music (2018) Students are asked to sight read the rhythms, note patterns, and dynamics in eight measures of mixed meter music for woodwind brass and percussion.
  • Pit Orchestra Audition (2019) Students are asked to sight read the rhythms, note patterns, and dynamics in eight measures of mixed meter music for strings.
  • Prime Time TV (2019) Students are asked to compose (or select) and perform a theme song and three variations.
  • World Class All-Stars (2018) Students are asked to sight-sing eight measures of music.


  • Center Stage Star (2018) Students are asked to create a performance of a character from a familiar fairy tale, folk tale, fable, or nursery rhyme.
  • Greetings, Sister City! (2018) Students are asked to create a vocal presentation based on a Haiku poem.
  • So...What's Your Problem? (2018) Students are asked to create and perform an improvisational scene based on a story with a problem and solution.
  • Be a Good Sport (2018) Students are asked to demonstrate a sport skill through mimed movement.
  • Time for Rhyme (2018) Students are asked to memorize and perform a nursery rhyme.

Middle School

  • Animal Crackers (2018) Students are asked to create an animal character for an audition.
  • Thinking on Your Feet (2019) Students are asked to create and perform an improvisational story with an effective storyline using improvisational skills.
  • Poetry Month (2018) Students are asked to perform a short memorized poem of their choice.
  • Silent Movie (2018) Students are asked to create and perform a pantomime with a storyline that includes a central conflict.
  • Star Power! (2018) Students are asked to perform a memorized monologue.
  • Campfire Story (2018) Students are asked to prepare and tell a story identifying the situation, conflict and character, and include an exciting beginning and surprise ending.

High School

  • Auditioning With Pantomime (2018) Students are asked to create a pantomime with a clear beginning, middle, and end that has a central conflict which is clearly resolved.
  • You're History! (2019) Students are asked to choose a historic figure and create a character portrayal.
  • Comedy Tonight (formerly On the Spot) (2018) Students are asked to perform a one-minute improvisation with a partner.
  • Getting The Part (2018) Students are asked to analyze a monologue from a selection of published modern plays in preparation for a performance.
  • Speaking The Speech (2018) Students are asked to select a speech and perform the speech to demonstrate effective vocal work.
  • The Play's The Thing (2019) Students are asked to create a window display utilizing theme(s) from a famous play.
Visual Arts

Elementary School

  • One of a Kind Shoe (2018) Students are asked to design a shoe and demonstrate an understanding of line, value, and texture.
  • Aquarium Tiles (2018) Students are asked to create a tile in relief that includes decorative rhythm patterns and feature an aquarium animal or animals.
  • A Postcard View (2018) Students are asked to create a landscape for use on a postcard and respond to questions about their work.
  • A New Mascot (2019) Students are asked to present an idea for a new school mascot.
  • All About Us (2015) Students are asked to create a colorful, active figure drawing of an activity they like to do, such as a sport, hobby, arts activity, or other activity.
  • You've Got it Covered (2018) Students are asked to design artwork for the cover of a CD of music.

Middle School

  • Birds of Prey (2018) (formerly Endangered Nest) Students are asked to create a close-up drawing of the nest of a bird of prey, including eggs and the area around it.
  • Sculptures in the Park (2019) Students are asked to create an abstract sculpture for local community park planners.
  • Put the Life Back in Wildlife (2018) Students are asked to create a functional vessel reflecting the theme: Put the Life Back in Wildlife.
  • The Real You (2019) Students are asked to create a realistic self-portrait that depicts head, face, neck, and shoulders.
  • Teen Sandwich Hub (2018) Students are asked to design a sandwich shop with a theme that is attractive to teens.

High School

  • A Vegetarian Palette (2018) Students are asked to create a realistic and still life composition of an arrangement of fruits and/or vegetables.
  • Snack Time (2018) Students are asked to photograph a food item or group of items that interest teenagers.
  • A Zoo Mug (2018) Students are asked to create a mug that has a functional handle, at least two levels of sculptural relief, and two or more decorative textures.
  • Earth Club Logo (2018) Students are asked to designs a logo for a bumper sticker that visually communicates the mission of the Earth Club.
  • Cartoon Comments (2019) Students are asked to draw a political cartoon about whether the campus should be open or closed.
  • The Perfect Gift (2019) Students are asked to create a portrait of a friend after looking at a variety of portrait styles.
  • Picture This (2019) Students are asked to submit a proposal for the backdrop of a photo-shoot area with an ocean theme.