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In 2009 the legislature passed SHB 1347, which led to the adoption of RCW 28A.300.450, extending the efforts of Financial Literacy Public-Private Partnership (FLPPP) by creating the Financial Education Public-Private Partnership (FEPPP). The committee brings together individuals from both the public and private sector in an effort to provide quality financial education for students in the public school system. FEPPP will continue the work of:
- Identifying strategies to increase the financial education of students;
- Providing quality financial education information for school districts; and
- Providing financial education instructional materials and professional development.
Discover more about FEPPP: Watch our latest video. Gain insights from the perspectives of FEPPP, teachers, parents, and our valued partners.
- Communicate to school districts the Jump$tart national financial education standards and strategies for expanding the provision and increasing the quality of financial education instruction;
- Review continuously the financial education curriculum, including instructional materials and programs available to school districts;
- Develop evaluation standards and a procedure for endorsing financial education curriculum that should be recommended for use in the school districts;
- Identify assessments and outcome measures to determine whether students have met the Jump$tart financial education standards;
- Monitor and provide guidance for educators to integrate financial skills and content knowledge into mathematics, social studies, and other course studies;
- Create professional development that could lead to certificate endorsement or other certification of competency in financial education;
- Develop academic guidelines and standard protocols for use by classroom volunteers delivering financial education to students in the public school system; and
- Provide annual reports to the governor, the superintendent of public instruction, and the committees of the legislature with oversight over K-12 education and higher education.