Migrant Education Student Resources

Contact Information
Griselda Guevara-Cruz
Migrant Education Student Event Program Supervisor
The Washington state Migrant Education Program provides services to migrant children and their families. The following resources include programs, guidance, and scholarships for migrant education students.
Student Programs
- Dare to Dream Academies
The Dare to Dream Academies is in partnership with the College Assistance Migrant Program (CAMP) on each university campus and the Association of Washington School Principals (AWSP). AWSP administers .5 credits for the successful completion of each academy through the Principals’ Student Learning Center. Incoming 11th and 12th grade students will receive science or math credit (Academic Academy), while incoming 9th and 10th grade students will attend the Hero’s Journey Academy (Exploring Your Future). The academies are seven days in length and will be held at four universities across Washington state: Central Washington University, Eastern Washington University, University of Washington, Washington State University (Pullman & Spokane), and Western Washington University. The partnership will serve over 600 high school students working through intensive 14-hour days where students are totally immersed in the subject areas.
The hands-on introduction to sciences, math, engineering, and self-development content builds an academic identity and confidence in students. Academic skills gained during the Dare to Dream Academies help students develop career visions and frame the importance of high school performance. Freshman and sophomores prepare a High School and Beyond Plan tailored to their specific graduation requirements and create presentations to take back to their parent advisory councils. Juniors and seniors conduct experiments in science and math by working with live cells, reptiles, insects, green houses, rockets, robotics, and the stars. In addition, current CAMP students serve as mentors throughout the academic activities and for dorm living. College going mentors are critical to the emerging academic narratives in our young scholars.
- Voices from the Field Academy
The focus of the Voices from the Field Arts Academy (VFF) is to provide quality arts-infused lessons and experiences for middle school students identified as migratory. The program seeks to help educators build student voice and to increase student skills and learning in mathematics, English Language Arts (ELA), science and social studies through the arts.
OSPI is initiating this Pre-Procurement Announcement to notify interested parties of an upcoming Request for Qualifications and Quotations (RFQQ) to solicit proposals from Consultants interested in participating with the Voices from the Field Arts Academy to be issued in January 2022. The purpose of Pre[1]Procurement Announcement is to give potential bidders an opportunity to research the project and plan for the procurement prior to its release. OSPI reserves the right to revise information posted herein. The goal of the Voices from the Field Arts Academy (VFF) is to provide quality arts-infused lessons and experiences for middle school students identified as migratory. The program seeks to help educators build student voice and to increase student skills and learning in mathematics, English Language Arts (ELA), science and social studies through the arts.
- Voices from the Field Academy FAQs
- Additional information on this pre-procurement may be found at Pre-Procurement Announcement 2022-08.
Student Guidance
- High School and Beyond Planning
- Washington State Financial Aid Programs
- WA Student Achievement Council: Planning Your Future
Scholarship Websites
- WashBoard Scholarship Search
- Sallie Mae Scholarship Search
- College Board Scholarship Search
- College Success Foundation