ESA Reissue, Renewal, Conversion and Upgrade

Review the application types below to find the application that's right for you based on your current status.

The application that needs to be completed will vary depending on the role each applicant holds.

Full & Limited ESA Certificates

  • School Counselor- Select this if you are reissuing your Residency or renewing your Residency or Professional Counselor ESA Certificate.
  • School Psychologist- Select this if you are reissuing your Residency or renewing your Residency or Professional Psychologist ESA Certificate.
  • School Nurse- Select this if you are renewing your Initial or Professional Nurse Certificate.
  • School Social Worker- Select this if you are reissuing your Residency or renewing your Initial, Residency, Continuing, or Professional ESA School Social Worker Certificate.
  • School Occupational Therapist- Select this if you are renewing your Initial or Professional Occupational Therapist Certificate.
  • School Physical Therapist- Select this if you are renewing your Initial or Professional Physical Therapist Certificate.
  • School Speech Language Pathologist/Audiologist- Select this if you are renewing your Initial or Professional Speech Language Pathologist/Audiologist Certificate.
  • School Behavior Analyst – Select this if you are renewing your Initial or Professional School Behavior Analyst Certificate.
  • School Orientation and Mobility Specialist- Select this if you are renewing your Initial or Professional School Orientation and Mobility Specialist Certificate.
  • Substitute ESA- Select this if you have held or currently hold a full ESA certificate.
  • Conditional ESA* (School Behavior Analyst, School Counselor, School Nurse, School Psychologist, School Social Worker, Speech Language Pathologist or Audiologist, and School Orientation and Mobility Specialist)-Select this if you are working with a Washington employer wanting to hire you for one of the above ESA roles and you do not currently meet full certification requirements for the ESA role.
  • Transitional ESA- Select this if you hold a full, regular ESA Certificate subject to renewal that has lapsed and do not currently meet the requirements to renew your certificate.

Conversion & Upgrade Certificate Options

  • Upgrade Residency to Professional ESA- Select this if you qualify to upgrade your Residency ESA School Counselor or School Psychologist Certificate to the Professional ESA Certificate.
  • Upgrade from Initial to Professional ESA- Select this if you qualify to upgrade your Initial ESA School Behavior Analyst, School Nurse, School Occupational Therapist, School Orientation and Mobility Specialist, School Physical Therapist, School Social Worker (Initial or Residency SW), or School Speech Language Pathologist or Audiologist Certificate to the Professional ESA Certificate.
  • Converting Initial to Residency ESA- Select this if you hold an expired Initial ESA School Counselor or School Psychologist Certificate and do not qualify to upgrade that certificate to the second-tier certification.

*If an educator meets the requirements for a full ESA certificate for the role, they might not qualify for limited ESA certificates. If you have a question regarding the qualifications for these certificates, please contact the Certification Department. Limited ESA certificates must be initiated by a state of Washington employer on behalf of the educator who is not eligible for full certification in the requested ESA role.