Program Review & Support (Formerly CPR)
Training Materials
Contact Information
Dr. Yesenia Rodriguez
Assistant Director, Federal Programs360-725-6100
OSPI is continuing the Consolidated Program Review (CPR) transition to a new process. This new process continues the oversight of federal and state programs. Beginning with the 2023–24 school year, CPR is now named Program Review & Support (PRS). The name change reflects the partnership with OSPI and Local Education Agencies (LEAs) that focuses on student outcomes.
Over the past several years, OSPI has worked to align this process with OSPI's Strategic Goals. OSPI has worked with local, state, and national organizations to develop the process. By the 2025–26 school year, the new process will be fully implemented. During this transition period, OSPI's goals are to:
- Reduce the burden on LEAs.
- Strengthen partnerships between OSPI and LEAs.
- Improve student learning and increase equitable access.
A Continuum of Oversight
Program Review & Support (PRS) is an iterative process which includes all interactions OSPI has with LEAs. The continuum of oversight includes interactions such as:
- The application process.
- Technical assistance calls.
- Guidance documents, program training, and reporting.
- Program reviews.
OSPI Program staff will tailor oversight to align with the needs of the LEA. Each year, some LEAs will take part in a Limited Program Review. Other LEAs will take part in a Full Program Review. Some LEAs will not participate in the Program Review for several years. For other LEAs, OSPI program staff may provide on-site Focused Support.
This process is used to monitor several programs under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). This oversight process fulfills requirements under state and federal regulations. The main focus of this continuum is to support LEAs as partners with an emphasis on student outcomes.
- Tiers of Review and Support
The Program & Review Support (PRS) process includes three tiers of support. Each tier provides tailored support for LEAs from OSPI. OSPI staff will partner with LEAs to improve equitable access and student learning.
Tier I
Tier I is an annual Self-Assessment containing items included in the past Program Review checklists. These items are requirements from the programs that are easily verified by the LEA and may indirectly impact student learning. Programs use this information to help determine general needs across the state. The Self-Assessment will be optional during the transition period. Beginning in the 2025–26 school year, all LEAs must complete the Self-Assessment.
Tier II
Tier II is the Program Review and is similar to the CPR process. 60 LEAs are selected based on the annual Program Support Assessment.
- LEAs that score in the top ten percent (30 LEAs) will receive a Full Review of all applicable programs.
- The next 30 LEAs will take part in a Limited Review of up to eight of the applicable programs.
- Reviews will take place between November and May.
This part of the process will take place on the Education Grants Management System (EGMS). Help and support with EGMS is on the EGMS website.
Tier III
Tier III is a process for OSPI program staff to provide Focused Support to an LEA for a single program. OSPI will use multiple sources of data to identify up to ten LEAs each year who need additional support fully implementing a program. These multiple sources of data will show which LEAs are struggling with implementing a successful program or meeting the program requirements.
LEAs selected for Focused Support will receive in-person or virtual support. This is based on the needs of the LEA. The support is less formal and more inclusive of program requirements and best practices. These supports will be limited to one program and will not take place during a Program Review year.
- Program Support Assessment and LEA Selection
In previous years, OSPI used a regional selection process to identify LEAs that will participate in a Program Review. Going forward, OSPI will select LEAs to participate in a review based solely on the score an LEA receives from the Program Support Assessment. LEAs who score the highest are selected to take part in the Program Review process.
The annual Assessment includes data related to the federal ESEA and state programs. The annual Assessment is based on the following available data, which is weighted, highest to lowest, in the following order:
- Last time the LEA participated in Program Review (or CPR)
- Sum of federal Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funds
- Sum of federal funds
- Percentage of schools identified for supports as part of the Washington State Improvement Framework (WSIF)
- ESEA and state program data
- Items not fully implemented in previous Program Review (or CPR)
Charter Schools and State Tribal Education Compact Schools
In addition to being included in the annual Program Support Assessment, charter schools and State-Tribal Education Compact Schools are selected by way of a modified selection process:
- In the second year of operation or participation, the school is selected to participate in a Limited Review.
- A Full Review occurs in their fourth year.
- Starting the sixth year and beyond, their selection is based solely on the annual Program Support Assessment.
LEAs selected to participate in Program Review are notified in July. The list of selected LEAs will be available on this webpage in the resources section above.
- Programs Included
- Title I, A - Improving Academic Achievement
- Title I, C - Migrant Education
- Title I, D - Neglected and Delinquent
- Title II, A - Teacher and Principal Quality
- Title III/TBIP (Transitional Bilingual Instructional Program)
- Title V, B - Rural Education
- Title IX - McKinney-Vento (Students Experiencing Homelessness)