Guidance and Tools

The following resources serve as instructional and informational guides for school districts and Educational Service Districts.

ABFR Guidelines

Find information pertaining to Administrative Budgeting and Financial Reporting (ABFR) Guidance.

Accounting Manual

See Accounting Manual materials organized by year and by section.

EHB 2242 Accounting Changes

This page will break down accounting changes as a result of Engrossed House Bill 2242 passed during the 2017 Legislative Session.

EHB 2242 Guidance

Find tools and resource materials to help navigate the required changes as a result of Engrossed House Bill 2242 passed during the 2017 Legislative Session.

Enrollment Reporting

Obtain enrollment reporting guidance by year, along with related enrollment bulletins, forms and instructions.

Federal Allocations

Federal Title I A, I C, I D Subparts 1 and 2, II A, III A, IV A, and V B allocations by school district.

Indirect Cost Rates

Find information pertaining to Federal and State school district indirect cost rates.

Personnel Reporting

This page contains the S-275 Reporting Process Instructions as well as the CIS Bargaining Agreement Data Collection tool.

School District Budget Challenges and Financial Insolvency

Find information pertaining to budget challenges, financial oversight, and schools on binding conditions. 

Tools and Forms

Find a variety of non-authoritative tools and forms providing guidance in understanding and applying OSPI, State, and Federal requirements.