Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA)
Laws and Regulations
- Elementary and Secondary Education Act (Every Student Succeeds Act)
- Title 34 Education Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)
- EDGAR General Administrative Regulations & Other Applicable Grant Regulations
Contact Information
Kiara Walton
Administrative Program Specialist 2564-223-8581
The federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), enacted in 1965, is the nation's national education law and shows a longstanding commitment to equal opportunity for all students.
ESEA authorizes state-run programs for eligible schools and districts eager to raise the academic achievement of struggling learners and address the complex challenges that arise for students who live with disability, mobility problems, learning difficulties, poverty, or transience, or who need to learn English.
Every Student Succeeds Act
On December 10, 2015, President Obama reauthorized ESSA as the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). The new law builds on key areas of progress in recent years, made possible by the efforts of educators, communities, parents, and students across the country.
ESSA replaces the previous reauthorization of ESEA, known as the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act, enacted in 2002. ESSA will be fully operational in school year 2017-18, and a lot of work needs to be done between now and then as we make the transition.
Unlocking Federal & State Program Funds
ESSA allows some funding sources to be merged, or "braided," to support programs that improve student learning. A very simple example, given in more detail on page 8, suggests braiding multiple funds to help students who are not meeting standard for their grade in English language arts. The district could use funds from the following:
- Title I, Part A of ESSA;
- Individuals with Disabilities Act, Part B CEIS;
- Learning Assistance Program (a state program that provides funds to help students meet standard); and
- Title II, Part A
Unlocking Federal and State Program Funds to Support Student Success
Federal (ESEA) Programs for Schools & Districts
Title Programs
- Title I, A Programs and services for struggling learners
- Title I, C Migrant Education
- Title I, D Institutional Education
- Title I, G Advanced Placement
- Title II, A Teacher & Principal Quality
- Title III English Learners & Immigrant Students - Language Instruction
- Title IV, A Student Support & Academic Enrichment
- Title IV, B 21st Century Community Learning Centers
- Title V Rural Education Achievement Program
- Title VI Indian, Native Hawaiian, Alaska Native Education
- Title IX Homeless Education (McKinney-Vento Education for Homeless Children & Youth Program)
Advanced Placement (AP) & International Baccalaureate (IB)
Advanced Placement (AP) AP/IB Test Fee Program
Career & Technical Education
Carl D. Perkins Act/Career & Technical Education Improvement
Discrimination, Section 504, Harassment
Equity & Civil Rights promotes the understanding of rights and responsibilities under civil rights laws, and monitors school district compliance with these laws.
Private Schools & Federal Programs
Private School & Non-profit Participation in federal programs, equitable services
School Safety
Gun-Free Schools Supports school safety and monitors/reports gun-related incidents
Monitoring & Compliance
Consolidated Program Review (CPR) is the monitoring arm of the ESEA, responsible for the review of all ESEA-funded and several state-funded programs. Our CPR team is focused on compliance with law and regulation as central to the positive potential in these programs to support high-quality interventions and lead to better student outcomes.
Federal Program Accountability
Federal Accountability Reports capture student data and information related to the performance of federal programs. OSPI submits these reports to the U.S. Department of Education.