Farm to Child Nutrition Programs

Contact Information

Farm to Child Nutrition Programs


TTY: 360-664-3631

Staff Contacts

Farm to Child Nutrition Programs enriches community connections with fresh, healthy food and local food producers by changing food purchasing and education practices.

Farm to School

Farm to School programming supports students' academic achievement, health, and wellbeing through local food purchases, nutrition and agricultural education, and hands-on learning opportunities in school gardens.

Farm to Summer

Summer is a time of agricultural abundance. Using Washington grown foods in your summer meal program is a great way to take advantage of all the produce our state has to offer. Incorporating food education into your program also increases kids' willingness to try new foods!

Farm to Child and Adult Care Food Program

Farm to CACFP efforts focus on early care and education settings. Farm to CACFP activities, such as gardening, farm visits, and serving meals with food from local farms, teach children about healthy food by engaging all five senses.

Local Food for Schools

Local Food for Schools provides unprocessed and minimally processed foods from local and regional producers to Washington schools at no cost. The program helps local producers and decreases the logistical burden of Farm to School activities.

USDA Nondiscrimination Statement

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.