OSPI Public Records Request

Contact Information

OSPI follows the Public Records Act regarding the disclosure of our public records. OSPI rules about processing public records requests are found under WAC 392-105.

OSPI does not maintain school/district records, including personnel files, emails, diplomas, transcripts, and/or complete student history files. You will need to contact the Washington state school or district for those records. We are one point of escalation for certain concerns, complaints, and issues; however, in Washington State, school districts are self-governing public entities.

OSPI Records & Request Guidelines

Please review the following Types of OSPI Records and Records Request Guidelines prior to submitting a public records request!

Records Exemptions & Types of OSPI Records

Public Records Exemptions

Some records or information within the records held by OSPI are exempt from disclosure which requires OSPI to either fully or partially (i.e., redact) deny providing the record if requested. For information regarding what records or information held by OSPI are exempt from disclosure, review OSPI’s Public Records Exemptions.

Types of Records

If you have questions about processes, requirements, or procedures, you need to contact program staff directly.

Records Request Guidelines

Requests for public records must be in writing and should include the following:

  • Requestor's contact information to send communications and responsive records (only one source is needed: email address, mailing address, or fax)
  • A reasonable description of the requested records
  • The preferred format for receiving the records (inspection, hardcopy, electronic)
  • If the request is not submitted electronically it needs to include the date of the request

Please note under RCW 42.56.070(8), OSPI is prohibited from providing lists of individuals (employees, teachers, etc.) requested for commercial purposes. If you request a list of individuals, you may be required to complete a Commercial Purposes form and/or sign a declaration describing the purpose of the request and stating you will not use records listing individuals for a commercial purpose.

Submit a Public Records Request

All requests received outside of our online system will be manually entered into the system.

You may submit a request using any one of the following options:

  • Online Electronic Request Form (preferred)
  • Email your request to Public Records email
  • Mail your request to
    • Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction

      Attn: Public Records Officer

      Old Capitol Building

      PO Box 47200

      Olympia, WA 98504-7200
  • Fax your request to 360-753-4201
  • In person:
    • Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction

      600 Washington St. SE

      Olympia, WA 98504-7200
    • Get driving directions

Fees Associated with Requests

There may be fees associated with your request. If there are fees, the Public Records Office will contact you for approval to process the request. OSPI will not produce any records until we receive necessary payment. In accordance with RCW 42.56.120 and WAC 392-105-060, OSPI fee schedule is as follows:

  • Digitizing Hardcopy Files: $0.10 per page
  • Electronic Documents: $0.05 per every four electronic files and/or email
  • Photocopies: $0.15 per page
  • Postage and Media: Based on actual costs incurred by agency
  • Transmission of electronic records: $0.10 per gigabyte

Please note, a 10% deposit may be required per RCW 42.56.120.

Appeal a Records Request Denial

How to Appeal a Public Records Request Denial

If OSPI denies your public records request, you may request a review of the denial.

To request a review:

  • Make your request in writing. In your request to review the denial:
    • Include your public records request number
    • Include a copy of or reasonably identify the written statement by the public records officer or designee denying the request
  • Submit your written request to OSPI's Public Records Office using any one of the following:

Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction

Attn: Public Records Officer

PO Box 47200

Olympia, WA 98504-7200

  • Fax your request to 360-753-4201
  • Deliver your request in person to:
    • Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction

      600 Washington St. SE

      Olympia, WA 98504-7200

      Get driving directions