Professional Teacher

This application is for those educators who are renewing their Professional Certificate through the completion of 100 clock hours or equivalent college credits or Professional Growth Plans (PGP).

Beginning July 1, 2023, House Bill 1426 issued new certificate renewal requirements, in addition to current renewal requirements, for all teachers, CTE teachers, and for all administrator and CTE director certificates. New requirements are italicized below.


  • Must complete 100 clock hours or equivalent college credits or PGPs or a combination of any of the three options
  • 15 Equity-based school practices aligned with CCDEI standards clock hours or valid National Boards certificate or equivalent college credits or at least one goal of an annual PGP from one of the legislature-approved providers.
  • Submit a valid National Board for Professional Teacher Standards (NBPTS) Certificate. The National Board Certificate must be renewed prior to applying for renewal of your teaching certificate
  • Submission of fingerprints for a background check is required if a valid certificate is not already on record

Clock Hour Note: Educators cannot use the same clock hours to satisfy multiple clock hour-specific requirements (STEM, Equity, Leadership, etc.)

Example: An educator who completes clock hours in a culturally responsive STEM course offered by a legislatively designated CCDEI provider earns 15 total clock hours. The professional learning meets both the STEM and Equity standard but must be split between content specific requirements. The educator could count ten (10) hours toward meeting the STEM certificate renewal requirement and five (5) hours towards meeting the Equity renewal requirement. This educator would need to complete additional content-specific clock hours to fully meet their certificate renewal requirements.

Certificate Renewal Information

Subsequent renewals: 100 clock hours or equivalents must be completed from the issuance date through the current certificate's expiration date.

Renewal of an expired Professional Certificate: 100 clock hours or equivalents must be completed within the five years immediately preceding the date of application for renewal.

NOTE: Educators applying to renew an expired certificate must submit documentation of completed clock hours or equivalents to the Certification Office for review with their application.

STEM NOTE: Applicants submitting after September 1, 2019, who hold specific endorsements must complete 15 STEM clock hours as part of their certificate renewal requirements.

National Boards NOTE: Educators holding a valid National Boards Certificate may submit that certificate to renew or reinstate it.

Clock hour equivalents are allowed as follows: 1 quarter credit = 10 clock hours; 1 semester credit = 15 clock hours; 1 PGP until 6-30-18 = 30 clock hours; 1 PGP as of 7-1-18 = 25 clock hours.
Template Form 1697 PGP for Certificate Renewal

Form 1128-8: Use this form to document completion of a Professional Growth Plan and submit to your school district to claim clock hours and to the Certification Office if you are submitting an application for renewal or reinstatement of an EXPIRED certificate.

For PGP information and resources, please visit the Professional Educator Standards Board.

Clock Hour Information


If you have all necessary documentation to apply for this certificate, login to: E-Certification

*IMPORTANT: Please note that application fees are NOT refundable. Ensure that you select and submit the correct application. If you have questions regarding your application, please contact our office.