Special Education Data Collection Summaries
Contact Information
Federal and state special education regulations require that school districts provide information regarding the numbers and types of students receiving special education services. These data are reported by placement option within the district's continuum of alternative placements, as well as the student's disability category, ethnicity, gender, and Multilingual Learner (ML) status.
- Annual Federal Child Count and Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) Data
Part B Dispute Resolution
There are three dispute resolution options available under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. These three options can address concerns about the identification, evaluation, educational placement, and provision of Free Appropriate Public Education to a student (age 3–21). The options include Mediation, Citizen Complaints, and Due Process Hearings. See more information on the three dispute resolution options.
- Part B Dispute Resolution Summaries
Part B Assessment
Assessment data are grade level counts of the number of students receiving special education services, participating in state assessments and their performance on those assessments.
Students Testing with Accommodations - This spreadsheet details the performance of students with IEPs that accessed state assessments with and without accommodations and by accommodations type. Please note: much of the data in these spreadsheets is suppressed to protect student privacy as the population of students who access the tests with accommodations is relatively small by grade level and subject.
- Testing Accommodations for Students with IEPs
- 2022-23 Testing Accommodations for Students with IEPs
- 2021–22 Testing Accommodations for Students with IEPs - (Spring 2022)
- 2020–21 Testing Accommodations for Students with IEPs - (Fall 2021)
- 2019–20 - No assessment conducted due to COVID
- 2018–19 Testing Accommodations for Students with IEPs
Disciplinary Incidents of Students with IEPs
Federal and state special education regulations require that school districts provide information regarding the numbers and types of students with IEPs who were suspended/expelled during the school year. These reports cover the entire school year and include students with IEPs aged 3 to 21. All school districts are required to submit these data reports.
This collection covers the entire school year. For reporting purposes, a student's age is determined as of their age on the November federal child count date.
- Disciplinary Incidents of Students with IEPs
Special Education Personnel Employed
Special education personnel employed or contracted to provide special education and related services to eligible students with IEPs aged 3 to 21 years of age as of the federal special education count date. All personnel employed to work with students with IEPs aged 3 to 21 years regardless of funding source (i.e., Part B of IDEA, state, or local) should be included. Special education teachers in separate schools and facilities should be reported. This report is not intended to be a comprehensive count of all types of personnel providing services to students with IEPs. Report only those personnel specified by the US Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP).
- Personnel Employed and Contracted to Provide Services to Students with IEPs
Maintenance of Effort Reduction (MOE) and Coordinated Early Intervening Services (CEIS)
IDEA contains a provision which permits LEAs to use up to 15 percent of their Part B funds for any fiscal year to implement coordinated early intervening services (CEIS).
CEIS funds are intended for students who have not been identified as students with disabilities but who are determined to need additional academic and behavioral supports to succeed in general education.
Although funded with IDEA dollars, coordinated early intervening services are not special education services. Expending IDEA funds for CEIS activities has a direct and substantial impact on an LEA's ability to reduce MOE through the 50% rule.
Part B Exiting
The exiting data are counts, of students who began the school year in a special education program and exited the special education program during the school year.
- Students with IEPs who Exited from the Special Education Program
- 2023-24 Students with IEPs Exiting from High School
- 2022–23 Students with IEPs Exiting from High School
- 2021–22 Students with IEPs Exiting from High School
- 2020–21 Students with IEPs Exiting from High School
- 2019–20 Students with IEPs Exiting from High School
- 2018–19 Students Exiting from the Special Education Program
National Data
- Annual Report to Congress
- US Department of Education: IDEA Section 618 Data
- National IDEA Data Reports
- Infographic: Students 3 through 5 Served Under IDEA Part B Section 619
- Infographic: Black or African American Students With Disabilities
- Infographic: American Indian or Alaska Native Students With Disabilities
- Infographic: Students with Autism
- Infographic: Students with Emotional Disturbance
- Infographic: Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities
- Idea Data Center's Interactive Public Reporting Engine