Alternative Learning Experience
RCWs and WACs
Alternative Learning Experience (ALE)
Online Learning
Learning Options Feedback Survey
The goal of the Learning Options Feedback Survey is to obtain regular feedback from our stakeholders.
Contact Information
Anissa Sharratt
Associate Director, Learning Options and ALE
The Alternative Learning Experience (ALE) is public education where some or all of the instruction is delivered outside of a regular classroom schedule. It is available to all public school districts and public charter schools in Washington state. The intent of ALE is to ensure that students have educational opportunities designed to meet their individualized needs. ALE follows all public education requirements as well as Chapter 392-550 WAC.
Districts Offering ALE
This list is compiled from the 2023–24 ALE Year End Report and reflects programs identified by local school districts during the 2023-24 school year. Review the ‘Definitions’ tab of the document for more information.
Learning Options & ALE Annual Meeting
Join us for the 2025 Learning Options & ALE Annual Meeting (formerly called the ALE Administrator Meeting). This event will be held on Friday, January 17 from 9 am to 12 pm. More information about agenda topics and clock hours will be available closer to the meeting date.
- Save the Date! Learning Options & ALE Annual Meeting: Friday, January 17 | 9 am-12 pm | Registration Link
Office Hours
School staff with questions regarding ALE implementation, compliance, choice transfers, online learning, reporting requirements, and more are invited to drop in for one-on-one office hours. We will meet individually with as many attendees as possible. Questions are answered on a first-come, first-served basis. Please be prepared to share a short summary of your question when you first join the meeting. We will match you with the program staff best able to answer your question and move you to a breakout room for a more in-depth conversation.
Office hours are held on the third or fourth Friday of each month from 9am–10 am.
- Friday, January 31 | 9 am–10 am | Registration
- Friday, March 28 | 9 am–10 am | Registration
- Friday, April 25 | 9 am–10 am | Registration
- Friday, May 30 | 9 am–10 am | Registration
If you have questions, or to schedule a meeting outside of these office hours times, please contact us via the Learning Options email.
ALE Guidance
- Guide to Offering Alternative Learning Experiences
- Certification & Endorsement Guide
- ALE Compliance Reviews
- Core Compliance Self-Check
- Substantially Similar Checklist
Serving Students with Disabilities
- Serving Students with Disabilities
- Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) and Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) Self-Assessment Tool
- ALE/Online Program Profile
Communications & Video Guidance
- ALE Compliance Webinar 9/23/24
- Alternative Learning Experience 101 (Canvas Course)
- CEDARS Reporting for ALE Courses Webinar
ALE Compliance Forms
Below are sample forms to meet Alternative Learning Experience compliance. Please note that these are just samples and programs are welcome to develop their own to meet ALE requirements.
- Sample ALE Compliance Forms
Written Student Learning Plan (WSLP)
- WSLP Sample 1 (K-12)
- WSLP Sample 2
- WSLP Sample 3
- Elementary Math Sample
- Full Day Kindergarten (FDK) and Syllabus Sample 1
- Full Day Kindergarten (FDK) and Syllabus Sample 2
- Course List Sample 1
- Course List Sample 2
- Math Grades 6-8
- Language Arts and Social Studies 6-8 Sample Month Activity List
- English 11
- Civics Grades 9-12
Weekly Contact Log
Monthly Progress Review (MPR)
- K-8 and HS
- MPR Sample 1
- MPR Sample 2
- Combined MPR and Intervention Plan
- Full Day Kindergarten (FDK) MPR Sample
Intervention Plan
Statement of Understanding: Difference Between Home-based Instruction and ALE
WAC & RCW Rule Updates
- ALE Rulemaking
Permanent ALE Rule Change–Effective August 15, 2022
- Expands the methods through which the Washington Inventory of Developing Skills (WaKIDS) assessment and full-day kindergarten can be implemented in an ALE setting to allow observations through in-person or synchronous digital instructional contact. See WAC 392-550-035 and WAC 392-550-050 for more information.
Permanent ALE Rule Change–Effective August 14, 2021
- Outlines a process for determining truancy, required interventions, and a threshold for filing a truancy petition for students enrolled in alternative learning experience courses beginning with the 2021-22 school year. See WAC 392-550-040 for more detail.
Permanent ALE Rule Change–Effective August 10, 2020
- Moves the rules governing ALE to chapter 392-550 WAC and simplifies WAC 392-121-182 to include only enrollment reporting requirements.
- Removes the requirement to obtain a parent signature documenting the parent’s understanding of the difference between home-based instruction and ALE. A requirement to notify families of the difference at enrollment and in school/program materials remains. See WAC 392-550-030(10) for more detail.