Postsecondary Education for Foster Care

Contact Information

Stacey Klim

Foster Car Program Supervisor

Savanna Cavalletto

Foster Care Program Specialist

For students experiencing foster care and transitioning to postsecondary education, there are state and federal opportunities to help them navigate the next step in their life.

See the Best Practices: Foster Care and Higher Education guide for more information.

Transition Toolkit

The U.S. Department of Education, in partnership with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, the U.S. Department of Transportation, and the U.S. Department of Labor, as well as foster youth and practitioners, developed this Foster Care Transition Toolkit to inspire and support current and former foster youth pursuing college and career opportunities. The toolkit includes tips and resources intended to help foster youth access and navigate social, emotional, educational and skills barriers as they transition into adulthood.

Financial Aid Resources

If a young person has been in foster care at any time after turning 13, his or her classes will likely be paid for at most Washington State colleges. A young person turning 18 in foster care has even more resources available to them. A resource guide for young people in foster care can be found in the Passport to Careers Guide.

Washington State Governors' Scholarship for Foster Youth

The Washington State Governors' Scholarship for Foster Youth is a scholarship program that helps young men and women from foster care continue their education and earn a college degree. Proceeds from the Governors' Cup - an annual golf tournament - provide funding for approximately 40-50 new scholars each year.

Scholarship award amounts range from $2,000 to $4,000 depending on the college of attendance. The scholarship can be accessed for up to five years to complete an undergraduate study. Students must be enrolled full-time and maintain satisfactory academic progress in order to renew the scholarship each year.

You can find more information on the College Success Foundation website.

FAFSA Application

On December 27th, 2020, the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 was signed into law. This legislation includes significant new financial aid policies, including revisions to the Free Application for Student Financial Aid (FAFSA) for unaccompanied youth experiencing homelessness and former foster youth. Please read the full SchoolHouse Connection resource, New FAFSA Policies for Homeless and Foster Youth to learn more.

FAFSA Question 52

At any time since you turned age 13, were both of your parents deceased, were you in foster care, or were you a dependent or ward of the court?

A youth applying for FAFSA should answer yes to question 52. If they are unsure of their foster care status they can contact their DCYF Regional Education Lead to find out. They should ask the liaison to fill out a "Dependent/ Ward of the Court Verification Letter." The youth should be sure to print and keep several copies of this document because the college may ask for it to verify their status as a foster youth.

For more information, go to: Understanding the Free Application For Federal Student Aid (FAFSA): Determining Student Independent Status.

Educational Training Vouchers

Students may receive up to $5000 a year for qualified school-related expenses. Funding is limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis to eligible students. Students may be eligible for ETV if they meet any one of the following:

  • They are 15 to 20 years old, currently involved in a dependency action in a Washington State or Tribal Court, in the care and custody of DCYF or an ICW agency, and in foster care.
  • They are 18 to 20 years old and have aged out of state or tribal care. Youth who have aged out of foster care in a state other than Washington may also be eligible to apply.
  • They were adopted or entered guardianship with a relative on or after the age of 15.
  • If they participated and received ETV funds prior to age 21, they may be eligible to age 26. ETV cannot fund more than 20 quarters or 15 semesters.

Find out more about the Education Training Vouchers Program.

Educational Training Vouchers (ETV) and SETuP Training Video - November 12, 2024

Educational Training Vouchers Brochure

Washington Student Achievement Council (WSAC)

Plan Your Future

Plan Your Future is a website that provides resources to students to plan for life after high school. The main ways to plan ahead are listed below.

Passport to Careers

Passport to Careers is a comprehensive program providing former foster youth with financial assistance beyond other state, federal, private, and institutional financial aid for which they are eligible. Three primary components are administered by the Washington Student Achievement Council (WSAC):

  1. a student scholarship
  2. campus incentive funding to provide recruitment and retention services, and
  3. a partnership with the College Success Foundation to provide support to students and training and technical assistance to campus staff.

Supplemental Education Transition Planning Program

SETuP provides information to youth, foster families, and school staff about post-high school education and training opportunities for youth in foster care. Contracted SETuP providers in your region can help young people get SETuP for college by offering:

  • Financial Aid application assistance.
  • Transportation and Housing information and assistance.
  • College Application coaching and assistance.
  • Pre-College Testing guidance based on educational goals.
  • Course planning to help achieve educational goals.
  • Resource Links to programs and services especially for youth ages 14-21 in foster care.