Media Literacy & Digital Citizenship Grants

Contact Information

Lesley James

Media Literacy & Digital Citizenship Program Supervisor

There is great Media Literacy & Digital Citizenship curriculum out there. Educators need release time so they can figure out how to start teaching it in their classrooms, tailoring it to the needs of their communities, and learning from experienced professionals in the field.

Grant Activity

Fiscal Year 2023-24

HB 1365 stipulates that OSPI will continue to administer grants supporting Media Literacy & Digital Citizenship through July 31, 2031, “subject to the availability of amounts appropriated for this specific purpose.” No funds were appropriated for this year.

Fiscal Years 2021-22 & 2022-23

State funds were allocated for teams from Washington State schools or districts to form Professional Learning Communities focused on integrating Media Literacy & Digital Citizenship instruction into their curriculum. The grants were intended to enable teams to determine the best options for their learning community and provide support for their colleagues through professional development. The teams share any instructional resources or best practices they develop on the OER Commons Washington Hub

One-Year Project Grants were awarded to teams from Edmonds, Ephrata, Ocosta, Olympia, Peninsula, Thorp, and Vashon Island School Districts.

Two-Year Project Grants were awarded to teams from Franklin High School in Seattle and from Battleground, La Center, Longview, Vancouver, and Washougal School Districts.

Planning grants were awarded to teams from Bellingham, Central Valley, Edmonds, Ephrata, Olympia, Tacoma, and Winlock School Districts, as well as Ballard High School in Seattle.

Fiscal Years 2019-20 & 2020-21

SB 5594 allocated state funds for a two-year grant cycle administered by OSPI that allowed teams from schools, districts, and ESDs to develop and share openly-licensed curriculum units on media literacy and/or digital citizenship. These curriculum units can be found in the Media Literacy & Digital Citizenship Group on the OER Commons Washington Hub.