Local Food for Schools

Local Food for Schools

Through the USDA Local Food for Schools (LFS) Cooperative Agreement, OSPI purchased 23 unprocessed and minimally processed foods from local producers and made them available at no cost to Washington schools in the 2023-24 School Year. 

As the Local Food for Schools Cooperative Agreement project ends, OSPI is working on the sustainability of the project. In 2024-25, local foods are available for purchase. There is also an opportunity to receive a limited number of products at no cost.

Washington LEAs operating the National School Lunch Program and participating in the USDA Foods program can order LFS foods once per month during the regular order period and during the surplus order window. The program helps local producers and schools by decreasing the logistical burden of Farm to School Activities. 

Fact Sheets
Educational Resources
Fun Facts
Meet Your Producers