Applying for Safety Net Funding

Safety net funding is available to school districts with a demonstrated capacity for Special Education funding in excess of state and federal funding otherwise provided.

Read the Safety Net Funding Bulletin (B069-24) for information about allocated funding, the application process, trainings, deadlines, committee members, and more! 

EGMS Applications

Both Safety Net applications are now available in the Education Grants Management System (EGMS).

Announcement IDs

  • FP 300 Safety Net: High Need Individual (24-25):  AN-OSPI-1978
  • FP 350 Safety Net: Community Impact: Announcement ID coming soon!

Upload Templates

Other Application Templates


Please note: the recorded trainings linked below are still good resources, but have not been updated for the 2024–25 school year. We will publish updates as soon as they are available.

Safety Net High-Need Individual EGMS Application Walkthrough

This video walkthrough details how to apply for High-Need Individual Safety Net applications in EGMS. This walk through is from the 2023–24 school year. There may be slight differences between this walk through and how the application currently functions. The Application User Guide is up to date.

Safety Net Overview Recorded Training

This video covers the basics about Safety Net and does not go into detail about how to apply through EGMS. 

Safety Net Overview Training 2024–25

Safety Net Application Mini-Tutorial Videos

The following mini-tutorial videos are available on YouTube:


Safety Net Materials

Please note: Some of these examples include redacted IEP matrices that were provided by a local district. We are in no way endorsing how information is reported on the matrices but merely using the example to show how we would report the information on Worksheet C.

Past Application Summaries