Child Nutrition
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Contact Information
Child Nutrition Services
Leanne Eko, RD, SNS
Chief Nutrition Officer
Wendy Barkley, RD, SNS
Director, Child Nutrition Services Operations and Administration
Update: OSPI's Ramadan Waiver for 2025 is Approved
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) approved OSPI's statewide waiver request to allow local Program operators to serve meals in a non-congregate setting to participants fasting during Ramadan. Under this waiver approval, OSPI's local Program operators may serve meals in a non-congregate setting, adjust the time of meal service, and senior high schools are not required to use offer versus serve for lunch during Ramadan. The Ramadan Waiver Request Survey must be submitted and approved prior to non-congregate meal service beginning.
Review the Ramadan Waiver reference sheet for more information.
Questions? Please email the School Meals Team inbox or the CACFP Team inbox.
Child Nutrition assists school districts and other institutions in providing quality nutrition programs that promote life-long healthful living while providing nutritious meals each day that prepare children for learning. Our Review of Washington State Child Nutrition Programs Guide gives an overview of the programs offered and the number of children served in Washington.
School Meal Programs
Child and Adult Care Food Program
Program information for the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP). The CACFP provides federal funds to nonresidential child care and adult care facilities to serve nutritious meals and snacks while participants and in care. Funds received are meant to enhance current food service operations.
Summer Food Service Program
Program information for the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP). Summer meal programs help children get the nutrition they need to learn, play, and grow throughout the summer months.
Food Distribution Program
Program information on operating the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food Distribution or USDA Foods Program.
Other Program Information
Purchasing information and regulations for those operating Child Nutrition Programs.
Farm to Child Nutrition Programs
Farm to Child Nutrition Programs enriches community connections with fresh, healthy food and local food producers by changing food purchasing and education practices.
Food Service Management Companies
Details and requirements for Child Nutrition Program operators working with Food Service Management Companies.
Claims, Fiscal Information, and Resources
Information on claiming and reimbursement rates in Child Nutrition Programs.
Washington Integrated Nutrition System (WINS)
Child Nutrition Program Reports
Child Nutrition Grants
USDA Policy Memos
Resources developed by the United States Department of Agriculture to ensure compliance with all relevant federal laws, executive orders, directives, and policies related to the Child Nutrition Programs.
Washington State Waiver Requests
Washington State has requested and/or been approved for the following waivers.
- CACFP Waiver Request
- Coordinated Services Plan Waiver Request
- School Year 24-25 Unanticipated School Closures
- Summer EBT 2024
- Summer Food Service Program / Seamless Summer Operation 2024
- CACFP Off-Site Monitoring Waiver Request for Family Day Care Home Sponsors
- 2025 Ramadan Non-Congregate Waiver Request
Sponsors must receive written approval from OSPI prior to utilizing any of the waivers.
USDA Non-Discrimination Statement
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.