Migrant Education Health Program

Contact Information
Armando Isais-Garcia
Associate Director of Migrant Health and Out-of-School Youth
The Washington State Migrant Education Health Program helps eligible migrant students and their families gain access to supplemental health and social services free of charge. Supplemental health and social services may be provided by MEP to help meet the identified needs of migratory children for a limited period until other federal, state, and local programs for which they are eligible become available.
For more information, review the Migrant Education Program FAQs.
To align with federal guidance, please remember that services rendered must:
- Support migratory children with their learning need(s);
- Must not be classified as an ongoing or long-term type of service; and
- Costs remain necessary, reasonable, and allocable to the MEP.
MEP Health Funds
MEP funds may be used to support health and social services, for a student’s ability to engage academically, including:
- Supplemental screening examination for vision, hearing, physical or dental;
- Connection to community-based health and social services;
- Supplemental nutritional support beyond state/federal food programs;
- Interacting with parents regarding unresolved health issues.
MEP Grant Formula
Health funds are contingent on enrollment count:
- 100 or less eligible students = $1500
- 100-400 eligible students = $2500
- 400 or more eligible students = $4000
Unused heath funds will be carried over and renewed annually thereafter.
- Dare to Dream Health Science Academies
Washington State University & University of Washington
The Migrant Education Program has partnered with Washington State University’s Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine and the University of Washington to launch a 7-day interprofessional immersion summer program for entering 11 and 12-grade high-achieving migrant students who are interested in pursuing a career in the health sciences. Throughout the week, students leverage previous lived experiences and newly acquired knowledge to work on a theoretical case study, based on migrant farmworkers, and discuss the intersection of the health science professions and the role of identity as strengths for the improvement of rural health outcomes in migrant communities in Washington state. Participants will be introduced to the identity development process containing three elements:
- Identity is socially constructed
- Identity development considers context(s), environment(s), system(s) that influence behaviors and attitudes.
- Examining the role that culture and dominance play in personal and societal beliefs about identity is critical to understanding socially constructed identities.
Educators will focus on illuminating an advanced health sciences curriculum typically not obtained in basic education, as well as highlight the importance of identity development process as it relates to the following:
- Healthcare outcomes
- Healthcare professions
- Social responsibility
- College preparation
Criteria for eligible “high-achieving” migrant students include:
- Entering 11th and 12th grade;
- On course to graduate within their expected year of graduation;
- 3.2 GPA+ or has demonstrated ability to be academically successful;
- Taken at least one (1) advanced course in biology, chemistry, math, etc.;
- Plans to pursue post-secondary education;
- Interest in pursuing a career in the health sciences.
Migrant eligible students who are first-generation college bound, demonstrate academic potential, but have not met the criteria in full for selection are still encouraged to apply.
- Out-of-School Youth
Out of School Youth, also known as OSY, refers to migrant eligible youth, between the age of 16-21, who are not currently enrolled in K-12 education, have not yet graduated from high school, or have not received a high school equivalency diploma. This may include:
- Students who have dropped out of school and have not received a GED;
- An individual who has never enrolled in a K-12 educational system;
- Or youth who are working on a GED outside of a K-12 school.
This population may also include youth who fit the profile of "Here-to-Work," meaning they have no intention to enroll in the U.S. educational system. However, it is important to recognize that many individuals in this population are underage and are entitled to a free public education (through grade 12) under State law, or at a grade level at which the educational agency provides free public education.
Why is Washington focusing on Out-of-School Youth (OSY)?
It is estimated that approximately 16.8% of migrant students in Washington drop out of school every year compared to 11.8% of all students in the state. Migrant student dropouts are the fastest growing population within the Migrant Education Program. These students are on a path toward becoming adults- with or without an education- and may not yet possess the fundamental skill set necessary to integrate into higher education or the workforce. Advocacy, outreach, and follow-up is essential to help support ongoing motivation towards recovery, graduation, and post-secondary education.
The Migrant Education Program's State Service Delivery Plan calls for the continued increase in the services provided to OSY. OSY who meet the definition of a "migratory child" are entitled to free and public education just like any other migrant student. Therefore, it is the responsibility of local school districts to provide educational and/or support services as needed. As an educational agency, it is our duty to ensure that out-of-school youth have adequate access to a quality education and successful transition to adulthood.
For more information, please refer to Graduation rates at OSPI.
- Technical Support
In collaboration with Educational Service Districts in Yakima, Pasco, Anacortes, and Wenatchee, technical assistance and professional development is offered to migrant-funded and non-migrant funded districts free of charge. This includes but is not limited to:
- Helping identify and address the health needs of migratory students- including migratory eligible out-of-school youth;
- Identifying existing federal, state, or other local health or social services;
- Assistance with answering questions regarding OSY, eligibility, allowable services, or the development of a plan to serve OSY as a part of their iGrant Application;
- And providing strategies on re-engaging OSY and how to serve them just to name a few.
Each coordinator will serve as the regional point of contact at their perspective ESD and will work collaboratively with school districts and community organizations that currently service and/ or conduct OSY recovery efforts. While Educational Service District staff will not be available to provide direct services to migrant students in migrant-funded district boundaries, they are available to assist with answering questions regarding OSY, allowable services, or to provide technical assistance such as with the development of a plan to serve OSY.
Technical Assistance Coordinator Educational Service District (ESD) Email Office Number Address Technical Assistance Coordinator Tanya Rojas Educational Service District (ESD) Educational Service District 189 Email Trojas@nwesd.org Office Number 360-299-4719 Address 1601 R Avenue, Anacortes, WA 98221
Technical Assistance Coordinator Maria Navarrete Educational Service District (ESD) Educational Service District 171 Email marian@ncesd.org Office Number 509.888.7040 Address 430 Olds Station Road, Wenatchee, WA 98801
Technical Assistance Coordinator Felipe Zavala Educational Service District (ESD) Educational Service District 123 Email fzavala@esd123.org Office Number 509-537-1764 Address 3924 West Court Street, Pasco, WA 99301
Technical Assistance Coordinator Valeria Villa Educational Service District (ESD) Educational Service District 105 Email valeria.villa@esd105.org Office Number 509-654-2983 Address 33 South Second Ave, Yakima, WA 98902