Support Programs

OSPI provides statewide leadership for several programs to support schools, students, and educators. The sections on this page include research, data, and best practices, among other items.


Every absence is a learning opportunity lost and can have long-term impacts on students' success in school and in life. Chronically absent students, students who miss an average of two days per month, are more likely to fall behind academically.

Building Bridges

The Building Bridges Program supports a comprehensive engagement and reengagement system. This program includes grants to local partnerships of schools, families, and communities, attendance initiatives, engagement and reengagement, school leadership support, and shared best practices.

Center for the Improvement of Student Learning (CISL)

The Legislature created the Center for the Improvement of Student Learning (CISL) to facilitate access to research, information, and materials on educational improvement.

Comprehensive Inclusive Education

These pages are a resource for all members of a student's IEP team (including students and family members, general education and special education staff, and administrators). Use these resources to support writing inclusive IEPs and implementing effective instruction in general education settings for any student receiving special education services.

Dual Credit

A dual credit course is a rigorous course taught in a college or high school that provides students the potential to earn high school and college credit. Dual credit programs include Advanced Placement, Running Start, College in the High School, Cambridge International, International Baccalaureate, and CTE Dual Credit.

Early Learning

OSPI works in partnership with other agencies and organizations to align educational opportunities for young children from birth through third grade throughout Washington's K–12 public education system.

Inclusionary Practices Technical Assistance Network (IPTN)

The Inclusionary Practices Technical Assistance Network (IPTN) is a collaborative group of support providers who work together to make education more inclusive for students with Individualized Education Plans (IEPs).

Learning Assistance Program

LAP provides supplemental services for K–12 students scoring below grade-level standards in English language arts (ELA) and mathematics. These services focus on accelerating student growth to make progress towards grade level, with the intent of increasing academic growth during the period of time they are provided services.

Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS)

MTSS is a service delivery framework focused on prevention and problem-solving for students. An integrated MTSS connects services to students in order to eliminate barriers to learning and teaching.

Ninth Grade Success

We know 9th graders who end the year on track are four times more likely to graduate. It is a stronger indicator of future graduation than race, ethnicity, poverty, or test scores (NCS). Geared toward school leaders, you can learn more about why 9th-grade success is important, best practices and strategies, frequently asked questions, and get resources to support your work.

Student Discipline

Each school district adopts policies consistent with state laws that describe which behaviors are and are not acceptable. OSPI supports students, families, and schools with student discipline by making rules, providing technical support, maintaining resources, and monitoring schools for compliance with the law.

Student Transfers

A student's school and resident school district are based on where the student resides. Review more information and frequently asked questions!

System & School Improvement

Every three years, schools are identified to receive support based on the Washington School Improvement Framework. Based on three tiers, supports include funding, professional development, and increased access to content specialists and learning communities, among others.

Youth Development & Mentoring

State-funded organizations offer direct support to high school students through a one-on-one volunteer mentoring program. The program aims to provide career-oriented mentoring for disadvantaged high school students to help keep them on track for graduation and ensure their success after high school.

Supporting LGBTQ+ Students

When students feel safe and supported at school, they do better. This page helps school leaders create an inclusive environment for LGBTQ+ students by offering resources on inclusive policies, curriculum, and supportive staff.