HIV and Sexual Health Education Resources

Contact Information

Sexual Health Education

Laurie Dils

Associate Director-Content, Health & Sexual Health

Resources listed here are for educators, administrators, and families and are not necessarily intended for classroom use. We recommend reviewing all instructional materials for alignment with district policy and state requirements before using them with students. Resources are provided for informational purposes and not as recommendations from OSPI. Contact Laurie Dils if you’re looking for resources not listed here.

Sexual Health Education

Districts, when providing sexual health education, must comply with RCW 28A.300.475, which is based on the legislature's finding "that young people should have the knowledge and skills necessary to build healthy relationships, and to protect themselves from unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV infection." The law defines comprehensive sexual health education, which must be age-appropriate, medically accurate, evidence-informed, address both abstinence and other prevention methods, and inclusive of all students, using language and strategies that recognize all protected classes.

Online & Remote Learning Resources

See our Training/Staff Development page for Online Professional Development opportunities

  • HIV and Me: Marissa’s Story, video developed to support the KNOW curriculum for 5th grade. Should be used with teacher’s discussion guide.
  • King Co. Sexual Assault Resource Center (KCSARC) "What are Boundaries" and "What is Consent," sexual violence prevention online resources for middle and high school. Videos with handouts and worksheets.
  • Seattle Public Schools/Harborview Abuse and Trauma Center, “Boundaries" video for use in Grade 4. Available on Vimeo, close-captioned with auto-translate function.
  • Seattle Public Schools/Harborview Abuse and Trauma Center, “Handling Rejection: When Someone Says No" video for use in Grade 4. Available on Vimeo, close-captioned with auto-translate function.
  • Seattle Public Schools/Harborview Abuse and Trauma Center, "Consent is Everything", youth-led, youth-created video. Available on YouTube, close-captioned with auto-translate function.
  • Seattle Public Schools, Puberty and You video. Available on YouTube, close-captioned with auto-translate function.
  • Sex Ed To-Go, free portal with classroom resources based on the National Sexuality Education Standards, closed-captioned materials, available in English and Spanish, Planned Parenthood Pacific Southwest.
  • Understanding HIV/AIDS: Learn the Facts, Fight the Stigma, Stay Safe, video developed to support the KNOW curriculum for 6th grade.

Health/Sexual Health Education Standards

Instructional Materials, Reviews, Scope & Sequence

Evidence-Based Programs and Research

Population-Specific Education

Also, see resources below on "Support for LGBTQ Students"



Washington state law requires annual HIV/AIDS Prevention Education beginning no later than grade 5 (AIDS Omnibus Act). It must be medically accurate and must address both abstinence and other methods of prevention.

Family-Child Communication

Research shows that positive communication between parents and their children can help young people establish individual values and make healthy decisions. A major study showed that adolescents who reported feeling connected to parents and their family were more likely than other teens to delay initiating sexual intercourse. Confident, loving parent-child communication leads to improved contraceptive and condom use, improved communication about sex, and fewer sexual risk behaviors among adolescents. (from "Parent-Child Communication: Promoting Sexually Healthy Youth," Advocates for Youth)


Safe & Supportive Schools

All students deserve to learn about all subjects in settings that are safe and supportive, free from sexual violence, bullying and harassment. Providing a safe learning climate is especially important when teaching sexual health education.

Dating Violence/Sexual Assault Prevention

Support for LGBTQ Students

Adolescent Health Services

Helping students change risk behaviors requires providing information, skills, motivation, and access to services. Youth in Washington have the right to confidential, youth-friendly sexual health services in the school or community setting.