Policy Guidance and Resources

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The OSPI Special Education division periodically provides written guidance and clarification regarding implementation of the IDEA and the state Rules for the Provision of Special Education Services (WAC Chapter 392-172A). Guidance and resources are typically issued in response to specific questions raised by parents, educators, representatives of advocacy organizations, school districts, early intervention programs and their providers, and other interested partners.

Guidance and Resources by Topic

To search, first select a topic, resource, or both from the list, and then click on the "Apply" button.

Special Education Category Title Release Date Sort ascending
Tips from the Special Education Section April 2024 Tip: Scheduling Annual IEP Meetings and Parent Participation
Tips from the Special Education Section December 2023 Tip: Modified Grading
Tips from the Special Education Section October 2023 Tip: Special Education & Multilingual Learners
Tips from the Special Education Section August 2023 Tip: When students eligible for special education start receiving services
Tips from the Special Education Section May 2023 Tip: Part C to Part B Transition
Tips from the Special Education Section June 2023 Tip: Gearing up for August
Tips from the Special Education Section April 2023 Tip: Secondary Transition Services and Supports
Tips from the Special Education Section March 2023 Tip: Medical Diagnoses and Special Education Eligibility
Tips from the Special Education Section February 2023 Tip: Shortened School Days
Tips from the Special Education Section November 2023 Tip: PreK Service Delivery
Tips from the Special Education Section October 2022 Tip: Timelines
US Department of Education Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) Guidance Questions and Answers: Addressing the Needs of Children with disabilities and IDEA’S Discipline Provisions (July 2022)
Tips from the Special Education Section May 2022 Tip: Special Education OT/PT Services Tip
Tips from the Special Education Section March 2022 Tip: Counting Days for Suspensions/Expulsions and Determining a Change of Placement
Tips from the Special Education Section January 2022 Tip: Take Data Before and Following Breaks to Prepare for IEP Team Extended School Year (ESY) Decisions
Tips from the Special Education Section December 2021 Tip: Evaluation/Eligibility Meeting Signature Requirements
Tips from the Special Education Section November 2021 Tip: Special Education Responsibilities for Students Attending Open Doors/Reengagement Programs - Updated
Tips from the Special Education Section August 2021 Tip: Clarification on Calculating LRE for Students in Community Settings, including Off-campus 18–21 Programs
Technical Assistance Papers TAP #6: Paraeducators and Students Eligible to Receive Special Education Services
Technical Assistance Papers TAP #6 Appendix A: Best Practices for Planning Paraeducator Support
Technical Assistance Papers TAP #2: Discipline Requirements for Students Who Receive Special Education Services 
Technical Assistance Papers TAP #5: Evaluation Procedures Under Part B of IDEA
Technical Assistance Papers TAP #1: The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act: A Review of the Basics 
Technical Assistance Papers TAP #4: Information Regarding How the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) Affects School Districts When Requesting Medical Records