WA-AIM Access Point Frameworks and Performance Tasks

Contact Information

The WA-AIM tests are to be administered on a one-to-one basis by professional staff members or para-educators who have been instructed in proper administration procedures. The WA-AIM Test Administration Manual contains a complete set of administrative rules, procedures, and timelines.

WA-AIM Access Point Frameworks

The Access Point Frameworks provide an overview of the standards and Access Point Complexity Levels for each standard assessed on the WA-AIM. The Access Point Frameworks are organized by content area and include a map of the sampled standards as well as supporting resources. The Access Point Frameworks can assist educators in instructional planning and learning target development

Performance Tasks

Performance tasks will be used to assess the knowledge and skills called out in the Access Point Frameworks. Performance task requirements and examples for administration are presented for every Access Point with an assessed standard.


Items are now available in the INSIGHT Item and Form Management application. Items in INSIGHT are allowed to be used for baseline, instructional, and final assessment purposes. Please contact your District Assessment Coordinator if you need access to INSIGHT.